First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Committee cooperation by "webmaster" - Wed 16th Apr 2003, 2:36pm
It is becoming amusing... we've had the men's captain coxing the women's 1st VIII and the women's captain coxing the men, and now the webmaster organising the training camp social event, the JT in charge of race entries, kernigit running the training camp... whatever next?! (3 replies...)
May Term Lard Requests by JT - Sat 12th Apr 2003, 8:49am
It's that time of the year again - the JT is off to buy even more lard for your consumption.
As he has exams, the lard cupboard will not be re-stocked again until the middle of May, so you have until Tuesday to get those requests in.
BP II by esther (never coxing again) - Fri 28th Mar 2003, 2:12pm
Am I being really blonde and stupid or does BPII's stern sit really low in the water? Now i'm not suggesting you have fat chuffer coxes but is this true or have I felt safe in the coxes seat for too long?

example (doubt it will work: am very dense)
/frames/photos/2002/lent2002m2.shtml?3 (7 replies...)
New Head of the Lent's board by Guy - Fri 14th Mar 2003, 8:43pm
I don't go to the boathouse very often these days so I only noticed it yesterday. I think it's hilarious. Three years to get and it's still wrong. It's so First and Third. Brilliant. (4 replies...)
Let's play... by Lilt - Wed 26th Feb 2003, 11:37am Matthew Byrne in the Bumps Programme. (14 replies...)

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