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May Term Lard Requests by JT - Sat 12th Apr 2003, 8:49am
It's that time of the year again - the JT is off to buy even more lard for your consumption.
As he has exams, the lard cupboard will not be re-stocked again until the middle of May, so you have until Tuesday to get those requests in.
Let's play... by Lilt - Sat 5th Apr 2003, 8:56am Matthew Byrne in the Bumps Programme. (14 replies...)
BP II by esther (never coxing again) - Sun 30th Mar 2003, 1:48pm
Am I being really blonde and stupid or does BPII's stern sit really low in the water? Now i'm not suggesting you have fat chuffer coxes but is this true or have I felt safe in the coxes seat for too long?

example (doubt it will work: am very dense)
/frames/photos/2002/lent2002m2.shtml?3 (7 replies...)
New Head of the Lent's board by Guy - Mon 17th Mar 2003, 10:30pm
I don't go to the boathouse very often these days so I only noticed it yesterday. I think it's hilarious. Three years to get and it's still wrong. It's so First and Third. Brilliant. (4 replies...)
Lent Term Lard Requests by Lardy Heifer - Fri 7th Mar 2003, 5:53pm
After listening to my whinging about lack of savoury items in the lard cupboard today, Matt suggested that I started a new thread for us all to request lard, much like requesting bop songs. Only obviously for lard rather than bop songs. I want more savoury things, like crisps, twiglets, mini packets of pringles etc. There are probably more but I can't think at the moment. (17 replies...)

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