The Club's Results

Novice Fairbairn Cup 2017

1st men's novice VIII (1st division)

Coxed by: Beth Clent
Coached by: Juliet Armstrong, Matthew Griffiths, Peter Robinson,

Time: 10:17.2
Really solid effort from this crew. Strong rhythm through the middle and a rapid start, It was clear that everyone was exhausted coming through the railway bridge, but they tanked it to the end - and well past it thanks to Jesus' silent marshals.

Absolutely no doubt that 100% was put in by everyone. Hope to see as many of these guys as possible on Training Camp, and rowing with the Senior Squad next term.
Alas, no Kuda this year. Great result nonetheless, very well done! (Neil T)
A great start to the race, followed by a good rhythm call meant the crew quickly settled onto a strong rate 32. Pushes through every corner meant the boat continued to keep speed down the course, and all the crew did very well to hold onto their rhythm and length through the race. A final step up in the rate from the railway bridge helped give a little extra finish speed, and all the crew gave everything they could as the boat approached the line. A final time of 10:17 meant 2nd overall!

A fantastic race from the whole crew, and a performance they can really build off for next term.
(P. Robinson)