The Club's Results

Pembroke Regatta, Lent Term 2008

3rd women's VIII (3rd division)

Coxed by: Danny McMillan

Beat Pembroke III in the final
Beat Pembroke III
After the byes in the earlier rounds and the crash which meant we were rowing in a different boat it was fair to say we had an eventful day.

The race itself was awesome. We had one of the best starts we have ever done, getting the rate down to a reasonable level before our first push. We were a few seats down for a good bit, but our pushes drew us level. After the bridge we managed to get clear water, and although they tried to come back at us you absorbed their pushes really well and rowed really well all the way to the finish.

Well done again. Now lets get on! (DM)
so so so so pleased with this result! The highs and lows of the day have considerably shortened my life expectancy.

You had a good 'first race' which highlighted a few problems to work on so we were quite confident rowing up to race.
Unfortunatly circumstances resulting in a return trip to the boat house and you narrowly missing the final (thank goodness Rachel pursuaded the marshalls to wait). But despite the stress you put it all behind you and had an amazing race. The start was much better and everyone kept eyes in the boat and never let them get away.
Keep up the good work and I will be on the bank for bumps!! (Alex)
i'm so proud of you guys!! especially after all the drama before the race (may that homerton blade rest in peace). even though you were about two seats down on pembroke for most of the first half, you kept the length and pressure up in the water, drawing level just before the railway bridge and increasing the lead all the way to the finish. row like that on friday and i have no doubt you will get on. ra ra 1st & 3rd!! (Kristina)