The Club's Results

Champion of the Thames Eights Head, May Term 2007

A Head race for eights from the Plough Pub to the Penny Ferry.
Sun 20th May

The official results published by the organisers, Champion of the Thames, can be found here. At the bottom of this page there is a summary of the results of college crews and a link to Cambridge weather. Club members, please go here to add (or correct) results, crews or race reports.

1st men's VIII, Men's 1st Div. Mays

Winners of M1, 1st Overall
Time: 4:32.5
Cant quite believe how much alcohol we won, thank god its a rest day! (Will L)
Well we took the "course record" (its only in its fourth year, so I'm not sure that it really counts), and certainly enjoyed the multiple pints of beer/bottles of "champs" fizzy stuff we were given, Bryn and Tom especially, (2 bottles each, one for fastest college crew, another for "most impressive start"), but we know that we can go faster, and now know exactly where we can find it.

Disappointing that both LMBC and Caius failed to turn up despite entering, but I suppose we'll get our chance to race them in bumps. (Phil)

1. Splash, but bigger
2. 'impressive' = wet?,...
3. Splash

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2nd men's VIII, Men's 1st Div. Mays

6th in M1, 12th Overall
Time: 4:57.1
Power, commitment, but a shoddy pick up.

We will get faster, and we are finally putting some good distance between our rowing and the shoddy squad rowing we were ingrained with.

Much better than 7 days ago, 7 days from now we will have improved by as much again. (Martin Y)
Nice rhythm, better committment, but we need to find some more speed. Getting the blades cleanly in and out of the water, together would be a good place to start looking for it..!
We're getting better but need to keep getting better. (Joff)

1. Coming into the catch
2. As wet as M1

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1st women's VIII, Women's 1st Div. Mays

3rd in W1, 3rd Overall
Time: 5:17.4
Third to Jesus (although they had a rather sneaky not-really-actually-at-the-university-6-girl) by 2 ses and Queens' by a second which was a bit gutting. Thought we had a strong row though, perhaps helped by the fact that we'd controversially stuck to the same crew as we'd had for the last two outings. Few more outings together and we might even go a bit faster. We'd better go a bit faster. Bah. (Joff)
Eerm...according to the online results, we were actually third, beaten by Queens (??!!). Anyways...

A pity not to get the pots, but not a bad result regardless; just imagine what might happen if we have more than two outings together pre-race!! I thought our start and build were pretty good, but we didn't deal well with the gusts of wind as we came round Ditton, nor the push for the finish. Inbetween however there was some quite decent rowing, though plenty to improve upon in the next few weeks. (Jane)

1. Women again, but bigger
2. The women, but bigger
3. Women again

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2nd women's VIII, Women's 3rd Div. Mays

Winners W3, 11th Overall
Time: 5:33.8
fastest crew in the 3rd division. 3rd fastest in the 2nd (less than a second off the 2nd fastest).

still the fittest 2nd viii on the cam :) (Dami)

1. Into Ditton
2. I'm sure I've seen t...

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Grad VIII, Men's Lower Div. Mays

3rd in Men's Lower, 36th Overall
Time: 5:36.5

1. Grad VIII, but bigger
2. Pushing off (station...
3. Grad VIII again

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5th men's VIII, Men's Lower Div. Mays

6th in Men's Lower, 40th Overall
Time: 5:41.7
A sweet 20 strokes off the start and Ditton. That's about enough to bump some of the boats in our division. Got much messier at the end, and it wouldn't have been a bumps-worthy row over.

However, it is probably the 2nd or 3rd time we've rowed together ever, so its looking encouraging! Good work lads. (Jij)
'Interesting' is one choice of words.

Incidentally, whoever changed the time -- we were recorded as no. 217, not no. 109 (alas!) (Stu)

1. M5 again, but bigger
2. M5, but bigger
3. M5 again

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3rd women's VIII, Women's Lower Div. Mays

5th in Women's Lower, 33rd Overall
Time: 6:16.2
not bad for first race in this crew.... took a while to get properly settled, but once the rate came down it came together quite nicely. we also managed to colour the inside of Denys with Skittles (sorry W2). all in all, a productive day. (Kristina)

1. W3 again, but bigger
2. W3, but bigger
3. W3 again

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<h3><a name="selectedresults">Selected Results</a></h3><h4>Men's College VIIIs</h4><p><pre><b>Position Club Category Pos. in Cat. Time</b> <b> 1 / 32 1st and 3rd M1 1 / 7 4:33</b> 2 / 32 Emmanuel M1 2 / 7 4:37 3 / 32 Trinity Hall M1 3 / 7 4:44 4 / 32 Emmanuel M2 1 / 9 4:48 5 / 32 Christs M1 4 / 7 4:49 6 / 32 Jesus M2 2 / 9 4:50 7 / 32 Magdalene M1 5 / 7 4:51 8 / 32 Peterhouse M2 3 / 9 4:53 9 / 32 LMBC M2 4 / 9 4:56 <b>10 / 32 1st and 3rd M1 6 / 7 4:57</b> 11 / 32 Selwyn M2 5 / 9 4:58 12 / 32 Jesus M3 1 / 10 4:59 13 / 32 Corpus Christi M2 6 / 9 5:03 14 / 32 Queens M1 7 / 7 5:04 15 / 32 Clare M3 2 / 10 5:05 16 / 32 LMBC M3 3 / 10 5:06 17=/ 32 Wolfson M2 7 / 9 5:07 17=/ 32 Robinson M3 4 / 10 5:07 19 / 32 Selwyn M2 8 / 9 5:08 20 / 32 Emmanuel M3 5 / 10 5:10 21 / 32 Christs M3 6 / 10 5:11 22=/ 32 Girton M3 7 / 10 5:13 22=/ 32 CCAT ML 1 / 6 5:13 24 / 32 Queens M2 9 / 9 5:19 25 / 32 Selwyn ML 2 / 6 5:20 26 / 32 Magdalene M3 8 / 10 5:25 27 / 32 Trinity Hall M3 9 / 10 5:33 28 / 32 St. Edmund's M3 10 / 10 5:34 <b>29=/ 32 1st and 3rd ML 3=/ 6 5:37</b> 29=/ 32 Jesus ML 3=/ 6 5:37 31 / 32 Pembroke ML 5 / 6 5:38 <b>32 / 32 1st and 3rd ML 6 / 6 5:42</b></pre></p><h4>Women's College VIIIs</h4><p><pre><b>Position Club Category Pos. in Cat. Time</b> 1 / 31 Jesus W1 1 / 10 5:15 2 / 31 Queens W1 2 / 10 5:16 <b> 3 / 31 1st and 3rd W1 3 / 10 5:17</b> 4 / 31 LMBC W1 4 / 10 5:24 5 / 31 Pembroke W1 5 / 10 5:25 6 / 31 Emmanuel W1 6 / 10 5:27 7=/ 31 Clare W1 7 / 10 5:28 7=/ 31 Jesus W2 1 / 8 5:28 9 / 31 Fitzwilliam W2 2 / 8 5:33 <b>10 / 31 1st and 3rd W3 1 / 5 5:34</b> 11 / 31 Christs W1 8 / 10 5:35 12 / 31 Churchill W1 9 / 10 5:38 13 / 31 Pembroke W2 3 / 8 5:40 14=/ 31 Kings W1 10 / 10 5:41 14=/ 31 St. Edmund's WL 1 / 8 5:41 16 / 31 Emmanuel W2 4 / 8 5:42 17 / 31 Robinson W2 5 / 8 5:48 18=/ 31 Homerton W2 6 / 8 5:49 18=/ 31 Emmanuel WL 2 / 8 5:49 20 / 31 Vet School W3 2 / 5 5:53 21 / 31 Corpus Christi W3 3 / 5 5:55 22=/ 31 LMBC W2 7 / 8 5:59 22=/ 31 CCAT WL 3 / 8 5:59 24 / 31 Hughes Hall W3 4 / 5 6:06 25 / 31 Girton W2 8 / 8 6:07 26 / 31 Pembroke WL 4 / 8 6:08 <b>27 / 31 1st and 3rd WL 5 / 8 6:16</b> 28=/ 31 Queens W3 5 / 5 6:18 28=/ 31 Emmanuel WL 6 / 8 6:18 30 / 31 Girton WL 7 / 8 6:26 31 / 31 Robinson WL 8 / 8 6:32</pre></p><div align="right"><font size="-1"><a href="#top">^ top</a></font></div><hr>
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