The Club's Results

Head of the Cam, May Term 2007

2nd men's VIII (1st division)

Coxed by: Emma Smith

15th fastest college men's VIII, 9th fastest in 1st Mays
Time: 9:38
Rather pedestrian-like effort. We never really got into top gear, which was evident in how easily Fitz were able to overtake us. Much to improve, and improve we shall. (Sam Z)
Meh, there's potential... But we need more than that, hard works starts now. (Lorry)
Bit of a stroll down the long reach lost us a good time, but this crew has potential and won't rest easy until we start bumping on June 13th.

On the plus side Caius did shite. (Martin Y)

1. Finish
2. At the catch
3. Pushing it