The Club's Results

Winter League, 3rd Leg, Lent Term 2005

1st Women's double, in the boat that doesn't go left (Women's 2X)

Double sculls
in Hambleden
Jenny Lee Lilie Weaver
4th of 9 in W2X
Time: 12:54
Don't know the time yet, according to bank party it was probably about the same as last time. But unlike last time, it was a much better row, and felt as though we could've gone faster. Almost enjoyable! Bring on STCS!! :S (Lilie)
Amazing timing skills from Andy!
We got exactly the same time as the last race. There was definitely more of a head wind though and the majority of crews posted slower times for this leg.
Overall I think it was a good race. We did a slight 'Amy Wallace' going round first post corner but recovered quickly, and took a good line through the rest of the course (even if I do say so myself!) Was feeling really nice down the reach as we pulled away from the chasing crews. Rowing in a double is fun :) (Little Jenners)