The Club's Results

Clare Novice Regatta, Mich Term 2001

1st men's novice VIII (1st division)

Coxed by: N. C. Wiseman

Lost to Sidney (disqualified) in the 1st round
1st round
Lost to Sidney (disqualified)
Gutted. The guys had fantastic boat speed but it wasn't enough... A great start saw the FaT boys quickly opening up an impressive lead, only to loose it after veering to stroke side and becoming embroiled with the bank. The mantra "keep rowing" doesn't work in such situations, and they were two or three lengths down by the time they got going. Picking up a new blistering pace they gained quickly despite being on the outside station, but on catching up Sidney, stroke side's enthusiasm was simply too great for the rudder and a heavy blade clash put us firmly out of the race.

Whilst it was extremely disappointing to loose having demonstrated their power, the ultimate goal is Fairbairns next Thursday, in which they have a lot to prove. [by the webmaster]

1. Approaching the rail...