The Club's Results

Lent Bumps 2001

3rd men's VIII

Coxed by: A. Amouyel

Rowed over
Despite closing to within 3/4 of a length of Downing III by First Post Corner they bumped a shockingly bad Peterhouse II. We rowed over reasonably comfortably, closing down to within 3 lengths of Darwin I who started 6 1/2 lengths ahead of us before they bumped Girton. We finished at least 8 lengths ahead of Corpus II - the boat directly behind us. Roll on Wednesday!!! (Dan)
Bumped Peterhouse II
We set off again from station 13, winding it up to about 36 and no sooner had we reached our 'surge' than we got the first horn. As a result the rate change didn't really happen and we kept it going at a pretty high rating that felt powerful and pretty controlled. Two horns, three and then continuous followed in very quick succession and we had to hold it hard under the Motorway Bridge after bow's bladed ended up between Peterhouse's cox and stroke man! It could have been quite nasty but everything was OK (except Andy's rigger).
We were very chuffed on the way home with just one question in our minds: why did it take Downing III till first post to catch them yesterday? Friday will be an interesting day... (Dan)

1. First post corner
2. Racing in First Post...
3. Racing in First Post...