2nd May VIII Song 2002
Second VIII - Go-Go!! (Peck/Walker)
To the tune of Radio Ga-Ga (Queen). The midi backing track used on the night, edited by Mr Byrne, is also available.
Before we begin, let's set the scene.
We had a dream to be the best there'd been -
And that is what we set out to show.
Unlike the First VIII we'd not be slow!
Pots were won at sprints and regattas -
Come bumps no-one would have a look at us.
But fate said "No! I'll rule the show." -
And John and Hugh they could not row.
(They couldn't row!)
<to Peck:> Let's hope you never leave old friend.
Like all good things on you we depend -
So stick around and join our crew.
Don't worry too much, you know what to do.
You had your time, you once had power;
You'd yet to have your finest hour.
<to diners:> (But, you know, he cannot row!!)
All we wanted was bumping and glory!
Not to row too far!
To stuff it up Maggie.
All we wanted was bumping and glory!
Not to row too far!
Would we be too few?
Could we win without our darling Hugh?
On Wednesday night, pursuers from Queens'
Overlapped us round First Post - they really had speed!
But then they died, and deafened by cheers
The bump on Jesus, it took years!
Round came Thursday, chasing the scum,
Tickled and teased them, just for some fun.
We rowed real hard, we rowed quite long.
We'd rather be at Oxford than St John's.
Mowing down Girton, Friday night,
Our nasty Kill calls gave them a fright.
Cox, stick around - we think you're fit.
And we're sorry your boat is that shit.
We had the time, we have the power.
We'd yet to have our finest hour.
Now we know why we row!
All we wanted was bumping and glory -
And Peterhouse were there.
We hit them at 40.
So now we have blades and glory.
We didn't row too far.
And this is our story.
And all you boaties watch for us lot,
We're coming at ya!
Now you know it's true -
Training makes a crew!