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Message board > General Discussion > CUCBC Flags 

CUCBC Flags by Bryn - Wed 19th Apr 2006, 7:22pm
Why are the CUCBC flags funny colours now? In recent times we have had 'The flag is GDBO' and the 'The flag is Cambridge Blue'. Do these mean anything or is it a joke?
by Bryn - Wed 19th Apr 2006, 7:53pm
Bryn said: Why are the CUCBC flags funny colours now?
To answer my own question:

Please disregard the flag status on and any emails regarding
the flag status this evening.

It appears that a committee member's account has been abused to change
the flag.

by RTT - Wed 19th Apr 2006, 7:56pm
Bryn said: In recent times we have had 'The flag is GDBO'
Surely the flag is always GDBO?
by Out-of-the-loop buffer - Thu 20th Apr 2006, 9:04am
RTT said: Surely the flag is always GDBO?
Right, am irritated now. Can think of many things this can stand for, but how to know which is the correct one? Can somebody please enlighten me?
by clueless - Thu 20th Apr 2006, 9:15am
Out-of-the-loop buffer said: Right, am irritated now. Can think of many things this can stand for, but how to know which is the correct one? Can somebody please enlighten me?
Google helped me out on this one...