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General Discussion

General discussion about anything even only vaguely club or rowing related

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Pub crawl by mjb93 - Sun 31st Mar 2013, 7:23am
Thanks to all who contributed to an excellent event ... hope everyone made it home afterwards
Does Aerodynamics matter in rowing? by JSB - Fri 15th Mar 2013, 10:17am
From Professor Tony Purnell's proposed 4h year engineering projects:

"Aerodynamics is of second order importance to rowing as the boats move through the air quite slowly. Is this misguided? What is the average cross wind for a season's rowing in major events? Could the rowers, the rigs, the oars, the boats be improved (within the regulations) to lower the aerodynamic drag experienced?"
1+3 In Charge. Again. by Rich - Fri 9th Nov 2012, 6:39pm
Not content with ruling the UK (plenty of Lords in our ranks), 1+3 is now making a play to rule the heavens. We congratulate the cox of the 1975 & 1976 May VIIIs on being appointed the Archbishop of Canterbury - see this article. We are still waiting for confirmation of Peter Brandt being installed as Supreme Ruler of All Existence - can't be long now.
Offer; W. Gilet and Splash Jacket by Jo Sampson - Sun 29th Jul 2012, 8:06pm
I have a couple of items of (women's) kit which are doing nobody any good sitting in a drawer under my bed.

Spartan Gilet, Medium. Fleece, with splashproof back. First & Third Trinity printed on back. Cat & Buns (& Mercer logo) embroidered on front.
Spartan Splash Jacket, Small. Cat & Buns (& Mercer logo) embroidered on front.

If you are interested please contact me by email. I'm happy to give them away for the price of postage, or free collection from London.


Internet Explorer 9 by Neil T - Wed 22nd Feb 2012, 12:47pm
My computer decided to install IE9 of its own accord last night. The FaT website now looks weird and won't display any images (other websites seem unaffected). Can I do anything about this or is it something to do with old-style code having been rendered obsolete?

[Yes yes, I know, "use Firefox/Chrome" etc.] (2 replies...)

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