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General discussion about anything even only vaguely club or rowing related

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Bumps videos by Martin - Wed 22nd Jun 2005, 3:09pm
I've archived a few videos from Fergus. At some point will work out where these things should really go, for now there are here:
1st men's practice start
2nd men
2nd men's practice start
Starting cannons
The Downing / FaT / Queens m1 sandwich
1st women's practice start (2 replies...)
Bumps Starts for W1, M2, M1 by Bryn - Tue 21st Jun 2005, 6:25pm
Marshalling opposite the Plough on Friday gave me the opportunity to take some videos of practice starts for the FaT crews in the top Mays divisions. They are here:


When I get some more webspace I might put up a video of the Arrows VIII for comedy value...
Bow tie? by Martin - Tue 14th Jun 2005, 9:34pm
Have discovered I have a spare FaT bow tie. Anyone currently rowing want one? Needs a little bit of a clean and perhaps an iron (can you iron silk?), but is essentially fit for purpose. (9 replies...)
The Pia Caption Competition by Dan Newton - Sun 5th Jun 2005, 2:40pm
The photo

'No-one could quite believe it when Pia gave birth to what appeared to be nothing more than a bottle of water'
Tide Tables on the BBC by jmg - Wed 25th May 2005, 9:09am
In addition to the controversial new TV forecasts, the BBC seem to have made some quite positive changes to their weather website, including tide tables. Not being a regular on the tideway, I don't know whether this is well known and understood, but I wonder if anyone can explain reasonably simply why the shape of the curve changes so dramatically as you work your way downstream from 'Richmond' Lock to Kew, Hammersmith etc etc etc etc? Also, what effect if any does this have on the stream, particularly where on the curve would you expect the strongest stream? (4 replies...)

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