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Crosswords and other puzzles

For discussion of all forms of mental gymnastics, especially that baffling final clue

Message board > Crosswords and other puzzles 1 to 10 of 153
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by Neil T - Thu 12th Mar 2009, 8:43pm
Is it Wendy Fatladysings? It is now.

From today's Guardian:

Unpleasant person in gardener, perhaps, in trouble when in this? (3,5)
by gf - Thu 12th Mar 2009, 3:00pm
the answer's a dirty word
by RTT - Thu 12th Mar 2009, 3:00pm
I'm bored of this topic.

Arty sister meets "Big Boy" with yen to spill beans on leader of Senate; then it's over (5, 12).
by Neil T - Wed 11th Mar 2009, 11:00pm
gf said: Tardy row? I'd transfer to Oxford, perhaps? [1,5,4]
No idea, but I bet the answer's a dirty word.
by gf - Wed 11th Mar 2009, 11:57am
Tardy row? I'd transfer to Oxford, perhaps? [1,5,4]
by Tom C - Sat 7th Mar 2009, 8:52pm
Gen Melchett said: "Require" is not a dirty word.

"Frigging" is a dirty word.

The answer to your clue, Tom, is a positively disgusting word. Private Eye, by any chance?
How can a polite synonym of a "dirty" word be "positively disgusting"?
by Gen Melchett - Fri 6th Mar 2009, 7:23pm
RTT said: Require isn't a rude word is it? Or am I just not down with the kids?
"Require" is not a dirty word.

"Frigging" is a dirty word.

The answer to your clue, Tom, is a positively disgusting word. Private Eye, by any chance?
by RTT - Fri 6th Mar 2009, 12:33pm
Require isn't a rude word is it? Or am I just not down with the kids?
by Need about twenty five sheets of paper (7) - Thu 5th Mar 2009, 5:27pm
gf said: Loud boat setup is mildly offensive [8]
It's not obdurate (anagram of rude=loud and boat) is it?
by gf - Thu 5th Mar 2009, 4:18pm
RTT said: No.

Loud boat setup is mildly offensive [8]

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