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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: Who have you done? 

Who have you done?
Boat Club ≡ Incest
Jane Allison  4%
Tom Andrews  4%
Narelle Baker  4%
Charley Bates  4%
Ulrike Bauer  4%
Adam Blacklay  4%
Jonathan Blazek  0%
Harriet Booker  4%
Abigail Breary  4%
Richard Bullock  70%
Lorry Carr  4%
Charles Chapin  0%
Ji-Jian Chow  0%
Ming Chung  0%
Tom Coker  0%
Rachel Croft  4%
Adam Csenki  0%
Damilola Dauda  4%
Jon Davies  9%
Will Dean  0%
Chris Dunleavy  0%
Richard Fletcher  0%
Abigail Fox  4%
Rachel Frigot  4%
Bryn Garrod  4%
Julijana Gjorgjieva  4%
Stu Gooch  0%
Joanna Heath  9%
Nicola Henshall  13%
Amy Hewer  13%
Sarah Hickey  4%
Liz Hill  4%
Dominic Hockley  4%
Phil Horler  0%
Hannah Jackson  9%
Dan Jane  4%
Magnus Jones  4%
John Kiely  4%
Konstantin Kisil  0%
Will Laffan  9%
Emma Leadbetter  9%
Andrew Lewis  9%
Sam Lings  9%
Sorcha McGinn  9%
Tristan Melen  0%
Christian Mertes  0%
Thomas O'Neill  0%
Kristina Ooi  9%
Igor Ostrowski  9%
Sebastian Pancratz  17%
Robert Patterson  9%
Sarah Pitt  9%
Lynsey Porter  17%
Philipp Preiss  0%
Helen Ralston  4%
Fran Rawlins  9%
Pedro Salgard-Cunha  4%
Matthew Sargeant  4%
Emma Smith  4%
Sarah Stoneman  4%
James Strawson  4%
Andrew Sugden  13%
Julia Summers  4%
Alex Sye  4%
Erica Thompson  4%
Corinne Vannatta  4%
Lilie Weaver  4%
P-J White  0%
Henry Wood  4%
Martin Yarr  4%
Sam Zhang  4%
Total: 23 members' votes
by anon - Sun 10th Jun 2007, 11:20pm
a vote for Emma Smith, was that the Sudge then?
by hazy - Mon 11th Jun 2007, 7:10am
I don't recall being "done" by anyone on that list...
by confused, but not gay - Mon 11th Jun 2007, 8:40am
Apparently I've only been done by girls... pretty sure that ain't right...
by Andy S. - Mon 11th Jun 2007, 9:20am
hazy said: I don't recall being "done" by anyone on that list...
Remembering isn't a vital component of being done.
by martin - Mon 11th Jun 2007, 10:37am
confused, but not gay said: Apparently I've only been done by girls...
you're obviously just not as popular an option as the Bullock
by A bit disturbed by this! - Mon 11th Jun 2007, 12:17pm
martin said: you're obviously just not as popular an option as the Bullock
This is a bit surprising! Who on earth has voted for me on this list?!?!
by Analyst - Mon 11th Jun 2007, 7:47pm
The person who (it seems) attempted to vote for every girl on this list missed out Dami, siren of the 2nd women. Was this an oversight, malicious or because the response was purely factual? I think we should be told...
by RTT - Mon 11th Jun 2007, 9:31pm
Since there was no "Never shat on my own doorstep" option, I (like many others) voted for the CowBoyBullock option. Isn't that why it is there?
by martin - Mon 11th Jun 2007, 10:21pm
Apparently 3 men in this boat club think they've done the Pancratz. As if. Everyone knows Seb's first and only love is that model D he likes to cover in sweat.
by martin - Mon 11th Jun 2007, 10:25pm
Although it has just been pointed out to me that they were probably intending to vote for the name 3 lines down, but still have the shakes.

(okay that's just being mean :P)
by 3 lines down - Sat 16th Jun 2007, 1:30pm
martin said: Although it has just been pointed out to me that they were probably intending to vote for the name 3 lines down, but still have the shakes.

(okay that's just being mean :P)
My mother read that comment Martin. I will hurt you. Soon.
by laughing my face off - Sat 16th Jun 2007, 2:25pm