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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: What is your favourite ice-based event NOT in the Winter Olympics? 

What is your favourite ice-based event NOT in the Winter Olympics?
Add your own below.
Giant Snowball Rolling  28%
Ice Cricket  16%
Ice Fishing  0%
Ice Hockey (car)  3%
Luge (car)  9%
Luge (vodka)  16%
Ski Jumping (car)  16%
Tea Tray Sliding  3%
Climbing Mount Washington  9%
Total: 32 members' votes
by Lilie - Sun 19th Feb 2006, 7:34pm
Tea Tray Sliding: 100%
I think this is called skeleton..?
by dw229 - Sun 19th Feb 2006, 9:59pm
Did anyone else just notice that a Martin Peck just came runner-up in the BBC's Winter Olympics competition?
by Martin - Mon 20th Feb 2006, 9:38am
dw229 said: Did anyone else just notice that a Martin Peck just came runner-up in the BBC's Winter Olympics competition?
Fortunately I didn't enter otherwise I'd have thought I'd won! :-(
by Dubya - Mon 20th Feb 2006, 12:20pm
dw229 said: Did anyone else just notice that a Martin Peck just came runner-up in the BBC's Winter Olympics competition?
Yes, JPD and I were very amused! Prize was a pair of skis.