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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: Iain Law 

Iain Law
Select all that apply
is the webmaster  10%
is Welsh  10%
does a great job  87%
should set the riggers higher  26%
has coached me  68%
should coach us more  77%
keeps his ooooooutside hooooound aroooooound the blade  71%
banksteerers are for girls  23%
should come to the Lents dinner  74%
is not wearing any pants  32%
(mostly for the girls) is fit  39%
Who's Iain Law?!!  3%
Total: 31 members' votes
by ipe - Mon 9th Feb 2004, 11:52pm
New poll as requested... enjoy
by Dubya - Tue 10th Feb 2004, 4:28pm
Iain should run for public office .. with job approval ratings like this he'd be a shoe-in. (and get a higher salary too!)
by RTT - Tue 10th Feb 2004, 4:38pm
Interesting that someone seems to think he does good job despite not knowing who he is.....
by TomC - Tue 10th Feb 2004, 5:34pm
RTT said: Interesting that someone seems to think he does good job despite not knowing who he is.....
Well surely everyone is doing a good job unless it can be proven otherwise.
by Dubya - Tue 10th Feb 2004, 11:36pm
TomC said: Well surely everyone is doing a good job unless it can be proven otherwise.
Not in Guantanamo Bay it seems