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Members' Opinion Polls

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What's the highest rate you've ever clocked?
Bonus points for small boats
less than 40  14%
40-45  18%
46-48  32%
49  0%
50  0%
51  0%
52  9%
53  0%
54  5%
55  5%
56+  18%
Total: 22 members' votes   (9 comments...)
New Year's Resolutions
This year, I resolve to
train more  73%
train less  3%
win blades  27%
qualify for/row at Henley  27%
take a break from rowing  3%
take up rowing again  23%
do all the stretches my physio tells me to do  37%
wash my kit  40%
spend less time on this website  30%
spend more time on this website  10%
stomp  40%
get a (new) job  33%
smile more  30%
buft  40%
win the fancy dress prize at Cardinals  3%
drink more (alcohol)  17%
drink less (alcohol)  27%
not make any resolutions  10%
Total: 30 members' votes
Who delivered more Christmas presents this year ?
Father Christmas  33%
St. Nicholas  6%
Santa Claus  11%
Kriss Kringle  0%
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer  11%
Royal Mail  39%
Total: 18 members' votes
Which of these have you experienced on an ergo?
Following on from our discussion of personal worsts, which of these have you done on an ergo?
Thrown up  48%
Got buttock cramp  72%
Shat your pants (preferable to rowing for LMBC)  4%
Had sex  20%
Passed out  4%
Given up  72%
Total: 25 members' votes   (4 comments...)
I won the Fairbairn Cup...
In 1956  10%
In 2004  19%
For second boats  24%
For novices  5%
For Fours  10%
In my single scull  67%
Total: 21 members' votes
What is your 2k PW?
That's Personal Worst if it's not obvious - only counting pieces you started with the intention of doing a flat out 2k, and discounting any you didn't finish
10:00+  0%
9:40-9:59  0%
9:20-9:39  0%
9:00-9:19  4%
8:50-8:59  4%
8:40-8:49  4%
8:30-8:39  4%
8:20-8:29  7%
8:10-8:19  0%
8:00-8:09  0%
7:50-7:59  7%
7:40-7:49  14%
7:30-7:39  11%
7:20-7:29  4%
7:10-7:19  21%
7:00-7:09  11%
6:50-6:59  7%
6:40-6:49  0%
6:30-6:39  4%
6:20-6:29  0%
6:10-6:19  0%
6:00-6:09  0%
<6:00  0%
Total: 28 members' votes   (29 comments...)
How often do you wash your kit?
More than once a week  29%
Once a week  24%
Once a fortnight  29%
Once a month  9%
Once a term  3%
When it rains  6%
Total: 34 members' votes   (11 comments...)
What is your 2k PB?
>8:20  6%
8:10-8:19  0%
8:00-8:09  0%
7:50-7:59  12%
7:40-7:49  3%
7:30-7:39  3%
7:20-7:29  0%
7:10-7:19  0%
7:00-7:09  6%
6:50-6:59  12%
6:40-6:49  9%
6:30-6:39  15%
6:20-6:29  18%
6:10-6:19  9%
6:00-6:09  3%
5:50-5:59  0%
5:40-5:49  0%
<5:39  3%
Total: 33 members' votes   (37 comments...)
Black Prince BC  44%
First and Third Trinity BC  56%
Total: 50 members' votes   (6 comments...)
HoR4s. Select all the options that you think will occur
FaT Men beat BPBC Men  10%
FaT Women beat BPBC women  20%
FaT Men finish higher than they start  65%
FaT Women finish higher than they start  75%
FaT Men have a positive net overtaking record  55%
FaT Women have a positive net overtaking record  45%
FaT men overtaken by BPBC Men  15%
FaT Women overtaken by BPBC Women  5%
FaT Men best college crew  25%
FaT Women best college crew  10%
FaT Men get under the 2nd Lamppost  60%
FaT Women get under the 2nd Lamppost  45%
FaT Men have a huge blade clash  45%
FaT Women have a huge blade clash  50%
FaT Men have a huge blade clash with FaT Women  10%
Total: 20 members' votes   (7 comments...)
Which rowing term made you snigger most as a novice?
Stroke  38%
Cox box  0%
Entry  8%
Rack  0%
Pull  0%
Shaft  46%
Scull  0%
Rudder  8%
Total: 13 members' votes   (9 comments...)
It is rumoured that most rowers are scientists. Are you?
You need not base this entirely on your degree although I think it will be clear for most
Scientist  65%
Artist  18%
Both  12%
Neither  6%
Total: 34 members' votes   (13 comments...)
How should the novices be taught to row?
From backstops  23%
From frontstops  42%
Slowly  35%
Total: 26 members' votes   (25 comments...)
Who should the club back as Sports Personality of the Year?
Ben Ainslie  7%
Freddie Flintoff  11%
Kelly Holmes  50%
Amir Khan  4%
Colin Montgomerie  7%
Matthew Pinsent  14%
RTT  7%
Total: 28 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Bowside  45%
Strokeside  45%
Darkside  10%
Total: 29 members' votes   (5 comments...)
Favourite Film Trilogy
Godfather  12%
Lord of the Rings  42%
Back to the Future  15%
Matrix  0%
American Pie  8%
Star Wars (original)  12%
Indiana Jones  8%
Kill Bill  4%
Total: 26 members' votes   (44 comments...)
Vote for the Champagne Moment in the BPBCCC FaTBCCC match
(if you can remember!)
Crawford surviving his first ball  38%
Garrod hitting the game's only six  0%
the only Aussie on show (Nigel Kaye) getting the only duck  5%
Lea-Cox winning it for FaT off the last ball of the match  10%
Ingram's sense of humour failure after a dubious lbw decision  38%
Other (state below)  10%
Total: 21 members' votes   (9 comments...)
Which of the following will we see first?
I'm sure all of these events will occur at some point in the future, but which will be first?
FaT win Uni M4+  8%
FaT win Uni W4+  8%
FaT actually beats an inferior LMBC in the Uni LM4-  8%
Lents Headship  31%
Mays Headship  0%
Women's Lents Headship  4%
Women back in 1st May Division  31%
BPBC don't win Fairbairns category  8%
RTT drops below 72kg again  4%
Total: 26 members' votes   (19 comments...)
Which Olympic sport would you like to see in 2008?
Clearly there is a lack of erg games in the current Olympic timetable. Which one would you most like to see there?
10m erg test  35%
One arm lowest split  0%
Feet out highest rating  18%
Arms only 2k  18%
Underwater erging  6%
Armchair erging  6%
Beach erging  12%
Synchronised erging  6%
Total: 17 members' votes   (1 comment...)
London hosting the Olympic Games in 2012 is...
a good idea  81%
a bad idea  14%
something I'm not sure about  5%
Total: 21 members' votes   (10 comments...)
What are the most annoying things about using non boat club gyms?
Anyone who's ever used a gym - even a posh one - in the holidays will have come across some of these...
People who can't row to the extent that it's painful rather than funny  41%
Fat smelly people wearing inappropriate kit to erg in thus showing the room their ugly butt cracks when they erg  18%
The fact that there are 100s of running machines but only 3 ergs stuck in the corner  35%
The fact that you can't see the tv's from the ergs  41%
People who look at you like you're mad when you spend more than 3 minutes on the erg  24%
No bench pull  53%
The ranks of sad looking people on the running machines - why don't they go for a proper run  24%
Lack of natural light as the gym is always in the basement  12%
People who sit on weights machines in between their reps and just stare into space - don't they know some of us are in a hurry!!!  18%
People who don't have the faintest clue about rowing telling you that you've got useless technique  18%
Something else - see below  29%
Total: 17 members' votes   (5 comments...)
Daddy or Chips?
Daddy  43%
Chips  57%
Total: 21 members' votes   (2 comments...)
Favourite Poll
FaT  36%
North or South  7%
Vault  0%
Dancing  29%
Lech Walesa  7%
/.  21%
Total: 14 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Which is your favourite part of the stroke?
Blade entry  0%
Connection  17%
Leg drive  25%
Back through  4%
Finish  21%
Extraction  0%
Hands away  4%
Bodies over  4%
Slide  0%
The bit where your hands rise up to go over your knees  25%
Total: 24 members' votes
What is your favourite weights exercise?
Select as many of your favourite exercises from the list as you want (apologies if I have forgotten any of your favourites).
Deadlift  23%
Clean  41%
Shoulder Press  23%
Bench Pull  50%
Bench Press  59%
Incline Bench Press  5%
Leg Press  59%
Leg Extension  36%
Leg Curl  27%
Calf Raise  9%
Squat  41%
Hack Squat  9%
Forward Lunge  14%
Backward Lunge  9%
Diagonal Lunge  9%
Plie Lunge  9%
Pelvic Lifts  14%
Other core exercises  32%
Hip Flexor  5%
Hip Abduction  5%
Side Leg Raises  5%
Toe Press  9%
Bicep Curl  32%
Lat Pull  27%
Cable cross-over  18%
Tricep Dip  14%
Triceps Extension  23%
Wrist Curl  5%
Press up  32%
Chin ups  50%
Sit up  50%
Dumbbell Fly  23%
Incline Dumbbell Fly  14%
Shoulder Shrug  9%
Seated Row  32%
Back Extension  14%
Overhead Press  9%
Rear Deltoid Raise  5%
Military Press  5%
Upright Row  9%
Back Butterfly  9%
Leg Pull-In  5%
Total: 22 members' votes   (11 comments...)
What is your favourite type of land training?
Long erg  13%
AT erg  4%
6x500m  9%
Heavy weights  30%
200 reps  22%
Circuits  4%
Running  4%
Lard consumption  13%
Total: 23 members' votes   (15 comments...)
Favourite summer regattas
Summertime, and the living is easy. Apparently.
Choose up to 4 regattas - based on whatever criteria you choose (e.g. previous wins, beer tent quality, course, weather on past visits, all of these, etc.)
Kingston Amateur  22%
Bedford Quarts  61%
Molesey  28%
St Neots Saturday  11%
St Neots Sunday  17%
Peterborough Saturday  39%
Peterborough Sunday  22%
Royal Canadian Henley  33%
Gloucester  11%
Bristol  17%
Ross  6%
Cambridge Autumn  11%
Total: 18 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Favourite boat class?
8o  26%
4x  0%
4-  17%
4+  13%
2x  4%
2-  17%
1x  17%
Laser  4%
Total: 23 members' votes   (4 comments...)
Categories to be included in FaT Top Trumps
500m Ergo Score  44%
2k Ergo Score  69%
2k Ergo Score as percentage of WR  34%
Bumps Races Done  63%
Bumps Up  31%
Net Bumps Record  75%
Blades  38%
ARA Status  34%
Pots (etc.) Won  53%
Versatility (Get a point for each of Bowside,Strokeside,Cox,Sculler)  53%
Year of Novicing  63%
Age  72%
Height  81%
Weight  88%
Total: 32 members' votes   (25 comments...)
Henley time!
If you could spend the day anywhere, it would be...
Leander  0%
Stewards  50%
Regatta  5%
Remenham  0%
Corporate hospitality at Fawley  10%
Barn Bar  0%
Gin Palace  5%
All of the above  0%
Boat tent  30%
Total: 20 members' votes   (4 comments...)
How will First and Third do in the bumps?
If you add all the crews' results together...
Up 13 or more  3%
up 9 - 12  3%
up 5 - 8  41%
up 1 - 4  38%
level  3%
down 1 - 4  7%
down 5 - 8  0%
down 9 - 12  0%
down 13 or more  3%
Total: 29 members' votes   (5 comments...)
Favourite Seat?
Bow  13%
Two  11%
Three  5%
Four  3%
Five  5%
Six  16%
Seven  24%
Stroke  13%
Cox  5%
Launch  3%
Toledo  3%
Total: 38 members' votes   (32 comments...)
The best 2nd May VIII song
Each year the 2nd May boat composes a song - and there are some classics. But which is the ultimate?
2003, Boat of Legends  18%
2002, 2nd VIII - Go, Go!!  6%
2001, Second VIII Rhapsody  48%
2000, Maybe we're just a boat of perfectionists  0%
1999, Cover our spoons  12%
1998, I vow to thee my Boatclub  3%
1997, Row Hard  12%
Total: 33 members' votes   (19 comments...)
That's very kind, I'll have a...
pint of lager  8%
pint of bitter  28%
glass of white wine  3%
glass of red wine  3%
vodka and bitter lemon  0%
G and T  18%
lager shandy  3%
bitter shandy  0%
orange juice  0%
orange juice and soda  3%
whisky  5%
rum and coke  3%
archers and lemonade  5%
archers and pineapple  5%
guiness  8%
lemonade  3%
lucozade  0%
smirnoff ice  3%
barcardi breezer  3%
latest trendy alcopop  3%
Total: 39 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Float  38%
Sink  62%
Total: 34 members' votes   (7 comments...)
Which was the better 2nd May VIII?
It must come down to these two, but who pips it.
Find their result histories...
Here (2002)
Here (1999)
2002: Walker, Goldmanis, Byrne, Peck, Jane, Clouting, Thorne, Davies, Adams (Up 4)  31%
1999: Remoundos, Fisher, Blackburn, Goodson, Sherrington, Peck, Ingram, Case, MacGregor (Up 3)  69%
Total: 29 members' votes   (22 comments...)
Fantasy May VIII
Pick the crew before Dan gets round to it. 8 rowers and a cox, please.
Andrews  74%
Bullock  6%
Byrne  0%
Chamberlain  82%
Clouting  15%
Coker  21%
Colvin  62%
Davies  94%
Earl  15%
Garrod  0%
Grundy  29%
Holland  91%
Horler  0%
Ingram  71%
Koryczan  0%
Lea-Cox  53%
Milos  21%
Mycroft  12%
Newton  0%
Patterson  0%
Peacock  15%
Rose  15%
Sankey  3%
Silvey  0%
Eton Boy  82%
Thorne  0%
Walker  3%
Watton  0%
Duan  6%
Earl  32%
Fisher  9%
Lee  9%
Munro  18%
Murphy  44%
Nanayakkara  6%
Wolf  0%
Wong  9%
Total: 34 members' votes   (40 comments...)
Love is...
Blind  17%
In the air  17%
A verb, not a noun  14%
All around  14%
A Big Scary Animal  38%
Total: 29 members' votes   (19 comments...)
Which are your favourite regattas/heads in the May Term?
Choose your favourite four; nb this is just regattas during the summer term/up to HRR.
CUCBC Small boats  30%
Head of the Cam (when in summer)  0%
Notts City  20%
Oxford City bumps  10%
BUSA  5%
Bedford  35%
Summer Head2Head  5%
City Sprints  45%
Cambridge Champion 8s Head  0%
99s regatta  20%
Peterborough May (1000m)  10%
Peterborough May (500m)  5%
Docklands  5%
CUCBC May races  80%
HWR  20%
Marlow  10%
HRR  40%
Total: 20 members' votes   (27 comments...)
Which is your favourite Tetris shape?
Square  11%
Total: 19 members' votes   (7 comments...)
Which boat will row fastest in May term?
1st Men  60%
2nd Men  16%
1st Women  16%
2nd Women  8%
Total: 25 members' votes   (7 comments...)
How will the boat race go?
After the 0-5 humiliation at Henley today with the women and children, how will the men fare? Pick once for the Blues and once for the Reserves.
Cambridge by more than 1 length  19%
Cambridge by less than 1 length  63%
Dead Heat  6%
Oxford by less than 1 length  6%
Oxford by more than 1 length
Goldie by more than 1 length  63%
Goldie by less than 1 length  22%
Dead Heat  3%
Isis by less than 1 length  6%
Isis by more than 1 length  3%
Total: 32 members' votes   (15 comments...)
How will First and Third men do at the Eights Head?
Top 50  3%
51-100  0%
101-150  7%
151-200  48%
201-250  24%
251-300  7%
Best Cambridge College crew  7%
Top 5 Cambridge College crews  69%
Overtake more crews than overtake them  38%
Fail to make it to the start  10%
Sink  10%
Blade clash  66%
Beat BPBC  38%
Beat BPBC by 100 or more places  10%
Beat Dev Squad  7%
Correctly steer under the 2nd lamp post at Hammersmith Bridge  59%
Total: 29 members' votes   (27 comments...)
All things considered, the best venue for a training camp would be...
A sports resort in Spain with no boat in sight  3%
the Cam  3%
Ely  3%
the Thames at Kingston  3%
the Tideway  15%
Peterborough  3%
Dorney  0%
Docklands  0%
Dublin  6%
A lake in Southern Europe  47%
English Channel  3%
at home, in bed, sleeping  15%
Total: 34 members' votes   (15 comments...)
How will First and Third ladies do at the Women's Eights Head?
Top 50  3%
Top 100  12%
Top 150  61%
Top 200  27%
Best Cambridge College crew  3%
Top 5 Cambridge College crews  76%
Overtake more crews than overtake them  24%
Fail to make it to the start line (injury/illness/traffic in Putney/boat blown off trailer)  12%
Sink  6%
Blade clash  45%
Get under the 2nd lampost at Hammersmith Bridge  39%
Total: 33 members' votes   (10 comments...)
How should we select crews?
Do ergs Float? Should we seat race? Is strength relevant? Or given the popularity of a previous poll, should democracy be allowed to flourish? You choose:
Seat Racing  22%
Pairs Matrix  22%
Sculling trial  5%
Bodyweight-adjusted 2k erg test  7%
absolute 2k erg test  2%
10m erg test  0%
Max Bench Press  2%
Democratic Web Poll  7%
Previous term's lard consumption  7%
Formal Hall pulling prowess  15%
By default because there are more available seats than rowers  7%
Fiat racing.  2%
Total: 41 members' votes   (28 comments...)
How will First and Third do in the bumps?
If you add together all participating crews...
Up 16 or more  0%
Up 12 - 15  3%
Up 8 - 11  18%
Up 4 - 7  48%
Up 1 - 3  15%
level  6%
Down 1 - 3  0%
Down 4 - 7  3%
Down 8 -11  0%
Down 12 - 15  0%
Down 16 or more  6%
Total: 33 members' votes   (9 comments...)
Iain Law
Select all that apply
is the webmaster  10%
is Welsh  10%
does a great job  87%
should set the riggers higher  26%
has coached me  68%
should coach us more  77%
keeps his ooooooutside hooooound aroooooound the blade  71%
banksteerers are for girls  23%
should come to the Lents dinner  74%
is not wearing any pants  32%
(mostly for the girls) is fit  39%
Who's Iain Law?!!  3%
Total: 31 members' votes   (5 comments...)
Should the Badger Song be in the bop ?
Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Mushroom Mushroom ...
Yes  14%
No  86%
Total: 22 members' votes   (18 comments...)
In which seat will John 'not rowing this term' Earl be in the Lent eight?
Bow  28%
Cox  72%
Ironic Four  0%
Total: 18 members' votes   (11 comments...)

Show 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 First 50Preceding 50Last 50