First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Aussies Being Obnoxious (as usual) dw229, Sun 29th Aug, 2:00am
Well, I suppose they had to big up their ego somehow...especially with next Summer's Ashes coming along :)

Why is it we don't see anything reciprocal in the British press? Could it be we just don't give a shit about them?! (1 comment...)
The Original First and Third Website Simon, Fri 27th Aug, 9:44pm
Look how we've grown! (3 comments...)
First and Third in an encyclopedia! Simon, Tue 17th Aug, 7:12pm
Athens 2004 Rowing Media Guide Mike, Fri 13th Aug, 3:06pm
A must for rowing Stattos everywhere. The media guide for the Olympic Rowing Regatta contains all the info you could wish for on past medal winners and future prospects, the schedule, the venue and the finer points of the rules. It also includes a guide on how to row and a glossary of rowing terms. Nice to see that even for an Olympic Regatta they feel the need for a definition for "crab"... (14 comments...)
Preparing for emergencies
http://www.preparingforemergencie...from esther, Fri 30th Jul, 7:29am
All you really need to know about emergencies in the UK

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