First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

Message board > Web Links 49 to 53 of 374
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Cambridge Rowing Messageboards BJ, Wed 17th Oct, 1:14pm
Now in a new location.
Baconsalt Simon, Mon 1st Oct, 8:33pm
FaT memorabilia on eBay Sam Z, Sat 29th Sep, 3:43pm
Apparantly FaT 10th May VIII won blades in 1970... (30 comments...)
BBC News Rachel, Tue 25th Sep, 9:57am
Rowing is really good for us - no more excuses that you've caught something from it! (2 comments...)
Old FaT kit Dubya, Mon 17th Sep, 9:41pm
Am getting rid of these kit items, mostly FaT stuff that might be useful to someone, make me an offer by email in the next week or so, or they'll probably go to Africa... (6 comments...)

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