First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

Message board > Web Links 206 to 210 of 374
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First and Third in an encyclopedia! Simon, Wed 18th Aug, 11:10am
Preparing for emergencies
http://www.preparingforemergencie...from esther, Fri 30th Jul, 7:29am
All you really need to know about emergencies in the UK
Harvard at Henley Simon, Mon 12th Jul, 2:26pm
You're rowing at bow, you've just started your race, and your seat is stuck fast. What do you do? (20 comments...)
Time for a new BP1... Simon, Sun 11th Jul, 6:59pm
Could be just right for BPBC...
GB Olympic Rowing Squad dw229, Fri 9th Jul, 9:59am
The ones to watch and a few familiar Cambridge faces.

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