First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

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Guess the Dictator or Sit-Com Character Simon, Sat 21st Sep, 9:55am
Astonishing... but it can be beaten! (8 comments...)
Real email stories from Hoaxbusters Rich, bored at work, Tue 17th Sep, 3:56pm
I got an email this morning, which I thought was probably a hoax, so I went to the Hoaxbusters website to check it out. It was indeed a hoax, but more interesting were the other hoaxes, some of which were quite amusingly silly. Best of all, however, was this page of emails that looked like hoaxes but weren't. The two at the bottom are simply fantastic (do go to the links after reading the report), although with the depth of knowledge and the competitiveness in the club, I'm sure we can beat three seconds... (1 comment...)
Pull-O-Meter Becca, Mon 16th Sep, 5:36pm
Useful to find out what chance you have of pulling at the bc bop.
I scored 58%.... (28 comments...)
Real-Time Testing of Internet Filtering Henry, Thu 12th Sep, 10:10am
It seems that has been blocked by Chinese censors. There must obviously be some potentially harmful information on it. (3 comments...)
Porrasturvat - Stair Dismount Mike, Wed 4th Sep, 1:24pm
A delightfully twisted little game. Unfortunately you have to download (~2MB) and install it before you can play, but it's definitely worth it.

I've managed to get around 140000, but there are far higher scores to be had...
Angry Strudel RTT, Wed 28th Aug, 10:15am
After many many hours spent searching for this, I have found it. Angry Strudel Productions is the internet home of ...... The Bleets. Original Farmer Material. Get the song and get ready for the Mich Term Bop.
The Bar Tab Challenge Neil, Fri 5th Jul, 1:03pm
This is a gift - an easy quiz game with £250 up for grabs if we can get into the top 10. There is no limit to the number of players on a team, and all players' scores are added together, so the more the better. To play, email me ( so I can add you to the team list. (14 comments...)
Which footballer are you? David Seaman, Mon 24th Jun, 1:14pm
You've saved England more times than anyone but unless you're joining Status Quo, you need to lose the ponytail. You're a decent bloke who always does the right thing. But the error-count is slowly on the up. (13 comments...)
For all you aspiring world dominators... RTT, Sat 22nd Jun, 4:09pm
In particular check out the Doomsday device section and the "featured lair" in the Evil Realtor.
Space Merchant Realms Simon, Fri 21st Jun, 8:16pm
A game for all those of you who now have nothing to do for a while. The website explains it all!

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