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25th Feb '07Lent Bumps 2007 updatesby bjg
Welcome to's Lent Bumps coverage. Messages sent from the towpath will be posted below, in addition to which you can find the latest charts on our Lent Bumps page. These are also available by WAP and SMS. Please note that the number for our various SMS services has changed to 60300 and that the charge for receiving a results SMS has been halved to 12p.

The Lents begin at 2pm Tuesday - the full division times are as follows:
Division Times
           Tue   Wed   Thur  Fri   Sat
Men's 1    -     4:40  4:40  4:40  4:40
Men's 2    4:40  -     3:20  3:20  3:20
Men's 3    3:20  3:20  -     2:00  2:00
Men's 4    2:00  2:00  2:00  -     12:40
Women's 1  -     4:00  4:00  4:00  4:00
Women's 2  4:00  -     2:40  2:40  2:40
Women's 3  2:40  2:40  -     1:20  1:20
We hope you enjoy our results service again - and of course BumpIT! Entries for the 4-day game close as the first results roll in, so get guessing!

Good luck to all First and Third crews in the bumps!
by BJ - Sun 25th Feb 2007, 10:25pm
this is just a test message
by Martin P - Sun 25th Feb 2007, 10:35pm
This is another test message
by Pedro - Mon 26th Feb 2007, 10:41pm
this is a test message
by BJ - Tue 27th Feb 2007, 2:33pm
Men's division 4: apologies 4 the delay - radios not working properly on towpath
by BJ - Tue 27th Feb 2007, 3:43pm
Men's division 3: eddies sent home after turning up with one of this years lightweight blue boat
by BJ - Tue 27th Feb 2007, 4:26pm
still no results for w2 at grassy or peters posts - no one seems 2 know where they r... Will update when i have them.
by BJ - Tue 27th Feb 2007, 4:41pm
it looks like i will b unable 2 get w2 results until the end of the day
by BJ - Tue 27th Feb 2007, 5:10pm
Women's division 2: results found!
by BJ - Tue 27th Feb 2007, 5:52pm
Sorry about the non-instant nature of today's instant results. The long explanation is that the battery in the repeater wasn't of a sufficiently high voltage, so results couldn't be radioed in to the control desk. Umpires then seemed to be unclear about who they should be giving results to, and they were having to be pieced together from multiple sources. The short explanation is that I'm sure everything will be as smooth as you like when Martin's back on the case tomorrow!
by Martin P - Tue 27th Feb 2007, 6:43pm
And I should apologise for the bumpit results not turning up until the end of the day. We forgot to test that bit... and at present I can't even remember how it is supposed to work...! D'oh. Anyway, some midnight oil tonight and it should be ok for tomorrow.
by Martin P - Wed 28th Feb 2007, 10:19am
Men's division 4: Test resend of yesterdays results to check link with Bumpit.
by Martin P - Wed 28th Feb 2007, 10:34am
Men's division 4: Another test of yesterdays results to check again link with Bumpit.
by Martin P - Wed 28th Feb 2007, 10:38am
Sorry about all the above useless messages. It's working now! :-) Interesting to note that it seems to take about about 10 seconds between sending the results SMS and the site fully updating itself.
by Martin P - Wed 28th Feb 2007, 3:31pm
I have some pleasure in reporting that the head wind on the reach is approx 25 to 30 mph. A few white horses down here. W3 didn\'t like it much though!
by mjb - Wed 28th Feb 2007, 3:46pm
Martin P said: I have some pleasure in reporting that the head wind on the reach is approx 25 to 30 mph.
I wonder if going for a push out of Ditton Corner would be a viable race plan ...
by Martin P - Wed 28th Feb 2007, 3:56pm
Comedy moment of the day so far, when the bow girl of Clare 2 defended her ears from the cannon... actually on the start!
by Dubya - Wed 28th Feb 2007, 4:02pm
Martin P said: I have some pleasure in reporting that the head wind on the reach is approx 25 to 30 mph. A few white horses down here. W3 didn\'t like it much though!
Ah, Ye Olde Winde Reach
by jmg - Wed 28th Feb 2007, 4:45pm
Martin P said: I have some pleasure in reporting that the head wind on the reach is approx 25 to 30 mph. A few white horses down here. W3 didn\'t like it much though!
Sounds like a certain day in '00
by Mike - Wed 28th Feb 2007, 4:58pm
M1 bump Caius on Ditton (according to radio)

Ra Ra!
by Martin P - Wed 28th Feb 2007, 4:59pm
First men have bumped.
by Martin P - Thu 1st Mar 2007, 2:32pm
Wind today is gusting a bit, but not quite as strong and has changed direction - kind of blowing across the whole course rather than upstream.
by Martin P - Thu 1st Mar 2007, 4:54pm
Men's division 1: Imperial row over by the first men.
by Neil T - Thu 1st Mar 2007, 5:11pm
Martin P said: Men's division 1: Imperial row over by the first men.
What are Imperial doing rowing in the Bumps?

Great stuff boys and girls, keep it up.
by Martin P - Thu 1st Mar 2007, 5:20pm
Neil T said: What are Imperial doing rowing in the Bumps?
I wanted to say Imperious... but for some reason that wasn't understood by my predictive text!
by Martin P - Fri 2nd Mar 2007, 4:31pm
Women's division 1: Sorry for the delay. Far too busy taking pictures.