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5th Jul '05May term roundupby ALC
The term started out on a high with a series of wins in the CUCBC Small Boats Regatta, with Tom Coker and Dan Holland winning the men's Foster-Fairbairn pairs, with Erica Thompson and Lilie Weaver jointly winning the women's Foster-Fairbairn pairs with Amelia Russell and Catherine Aiken in an amazing dead heat, in the FaT-dominated final. In addition, Graham Sills and Andrew Lea-Cox won the Lowe Double Sculls, adding to a spree of University medals.

5 men's VIIIs and 4 women's VIIIs competed in the May Bumps this year, with the Fellow's VIII narrowly missing getting-on, together with the 7th men's VIII.

The 4th women stayed level, whilst W3 put in a sterling performance, winning their blades. Unfortunately W2 went the other way, getting spoons. However, building on their superb performance in the Lents, the 1st women went up 4 into the 1st division - their highest ever in the Mays.

Despite being slightly lower on numbers compared to last term, the men's lower boats still put in some commendable performances, with the 5th VIII going up 2 through the carnage of the 5th division. The 4th VIII, half of whom only started rowing this term, managed to avoid spoons, going down 2; whilst the grads proved themselves worthy of rowing as the 3rd VIII by going up 2 after holding off a powerful Emma crew on the first day.

Due to a large shortage in oarsmen trialling for the top 2 boats, the 2nd VIII trained as a IV for most of the term, with 4 super-subs jumping in towards the end of term. With only a few outings as a full crew, they then rocketed up to knock Caius II off the 2nd division headship and then bumped Peterhouse to secure their position in the 1st division as highest 2nd boat.

The 1st men, including 4 of this year's novices, put in a spirited performance, managing to hold off a powerful Queens crew (eager for revenge after last year) on the first day by bumping Robinson. However Queens managed to achieve the bump on the 3rd day, leaving M1 exactly where they started at 7th - a fine achievement given the inexperience of the crew.

It is extremely encouraging to see the improvements in the club since the beginning of the year, notably in the women's squad and the lower boats. Along with other changes, for the first time ever, we have two females as men's and women's captain next year. Hopefully the female touch will work wonders.
by Only up 3 this Mays :o( - Mon 11th Jul 2005, 7:19pm
However, building on their superb performance in the Lents, the 1st women went up 4 into the 1st division - their highest ever in the Mays.
Almost... if Catz had been a bit faster, perhaps.
by Goose - Tue 12th Jul 2005, 11:34am
'The 4th VIII managed to avoid spoons'??!?!??!


We were unlucky not to go up. After two days of mess people found their feet for the second two (half the crew had never done a rowing race before) and we were the fastest boat around us.

by Rupert - Fri 15th Jul 2005, 6:22am
Only up 3 this Mays :o( said: Almost... if Catz had been a bit faster, perhaps.
I was wondering if any one would spot that. Don't worry, i got it right in the annual record!