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5th Mar '05Alumna wins WeHoRRby SJB
Congratulations to Steph Richards who coxed Leander Club to victory at the Women's Eights Head of the River in London. The crew won by just 0.38 of a second in a 19 minute race.

Steph novice coxed with First and Third in 1999 and was cox of Goldie in 2002.
by Simon - Sun 6th Mar 2005, 1:52pm
Since posting this last night, the crew that came second has appealed and the result has been changed to a dead heat for first place.
by No pedant - Tue 29th Mar 2005, 9:41am
I'm surprised no pedant has objected to the word "alumni"... please can someone change this; it has been on our front page for ages and grates every time I log in!

PS How about adding news of Henley victory for a FaT bow-girl, while you're at it?
by Sarah - Mon 4th Apr 2005, 9:27am
so let me see if I can get this right...

you think it should be alumna (feminine singluar) as it refers to Steph?

but generally (according to, not the best I know, but still) "Coeducational institutions usually use alumni for graduates of both sexes."

does Trinity actually have a prefered way of refering to single graduates? male or female?
by Tom C - Mon 4th Apr 2005, 11:54am
alumni is a plural, i would guess that a single ex-student would be called alumnus regardless of gender, particularly at trinity.
by jpd - Mon 4th Apr 2005, 1:43pm
alumnus = male graduate (pl. alumni)
alumna = female graduate (pl. alumnae)

However, it's probably OK to use alumnus/alumni for either sex.