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7th Sep '04Head of the Charles 2004by SJB
Black Prince, the club for First and Third alumni, have had three entries accepted into the Head of the Charles Regatta 2004. There are two "Club" 4+ crews as well as a crew in the men's "Championship" 4+ event. The races are on the weekend of 23 and 24 October.
by Sailing is more fun than rowing - Sat 25th Sep 2004, 4:03am
Does anyone know what time the races are happening exactly? I have a bunch of exams and crap like work to arrange around HOCR...
by Simon - Sun 26th Sep 2004, 6:12am
Sailing is more fun than rowing said: Does anyone know what time the races are happening exactly?
Racing is scheduled to run from 11:30am to 5pm on Saturday and club fours are the second event within that band, so expect to see BPBC on the course around noon. The Championship 4+ will race at 2:38 on the Sunday afternoon.
by Richard - Mon 25th Oct 2004, 1:43pm
How did it go?
by I hate rowers - Tue 26th Oct 2004, 8:52am
just two things i noticed; Bron doesn't appear to have a head in the photos. And BPBC II only appears to have 3 rowers according the the crew list. Well done both boats for completely the race without the recommended number of body parts
by Sarah - Tue 26th Oct 2004, 8:59am
The fourth rower in the Men's Club IV was Greg, sorry Dave, from Chicago, kindly arranged by Maris.
by Anna - Fri 29th Oct 2004, 3:39pm
Hats off to BPBC. I've been looking through the photos and everyone at HOCR looks like death - except BPBC of course and those sensible chaps wearing sunglasses.

Was it really so awful?
by Anna - Fri 29th Oct 2004, 3:53pm
PS - Absolutely love Sarah T's smile to the camera despite the conditions.