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by notable tilt - Sat 2nd Feb 2002, 12:05pm
On the subject of feet, could anyone explain why the plural of 'bigfoot', a large hairy primate said to inhabit wilderness areas is North America, is 'bigfeets'?
by flat footed - Sat 2nd Feb 2002, 10:53am
At least in the macarena you can't get trodden on as people jump up and down to James and the like...
by Anna - Sat 2nd Feb 2002, 10:30am
The macarena rocks. Anything with dances that people can forget and look silly doing has to rock surely?
by serious callers only - Sat 2nd Feb 2002, 9:54am
Next you'll be saying no Steps,
Tempting... very tempting, but I'm Dan on the Whigfield. Even the macarena (sp?) comes out ahead of that
by Anna - Sat 2nd Feb 2002, 9:38am
What do you mean 'no Whigfield'?? That's shocking. Next you'll be saying so Steps, no Kylie, no Britney, no Chesney ......
by KSS - Sat 2nd Feb 2002, 12:04am
Right. The time has come again. Bop playlist requests here please.

And don't even mention Whigfield.
by mjb - Fri 11th Jan 2002, 7:12pm
the pretender said: Matthew-you're supposed to be explaining why you weren't at Life. Wasn't it incredibly obvious?
I was watching TV. Seems a good enough excuse to me.
by the pretender - Fri 11th Jan 2002, 6:19pm
Honestly I try and introduce some artsy intellectual discourse to the message board and you all bring it back to rowing and/or physics. I mean I know it's the boat club message board and it's Trinity but afford me some diversity please.

Matthew-you're supposed to be explaining why you weren't at Life. Wasn't it incredibly obvious?
by the pretender - Fri 11th Jan 2002, 6:19pm
Honestly I try and introduce some artsy intellectual discourse to the message board and you all bring it back to rowing and/or physics. I mean I know it's the boat club message board and it's Trinity but afford me some diversity please.

Matthew-you're supposed to be explaining why you weren't at Life. Wasn't it incredibly obvious?
by gf - Fri 11th Jan 2002, 5:05pm
rowing physics 101 said: Work = force x distance.

I.e. pull fucking hard and don't shorten up.
Although of course, before anyone else points this out, rowing is much more concerned with useful work done.
by rowing physics 101 - Fri 11th Jan 2002, 5:04pm
Work - what does this word mean ?
Work = force x distance.

I.e. pull fucking hard and don't shorten up.
by TV is good, work is bad - Fri 11th Jan 2002, 4:11pm
bit on the defensive side said: Ahem. One hour's break to TRY and watch some quality TV in the JCR when one has spent one's entire day either working or rowing is totally acceptable. I didn't even do that in the end and was forced to return to the books by 9.30.


Anyway, you WERE watching TV (you TV hogging person) and you weren't at Life so what's your excuse? I hope you weren't pretending to work.

I was indeed watching TV, as were five or six others, so please don't just have a go at me :(
What am I supposed to be making excuses about ?
Work - what does this word mean ?
by the pretender - Fri 11th Jan 2002, 1:20pm
Thank you Simon for that lovely visual image. I'm sure it will stay with us all for a long time.
by Simon - Fri 11th Jan 2002, 12:31pm
Bored by work said: Okay. So, 17 FaT men go to Life led by the inimitable Mr Walker, presumably many were quite well oiled.
Not in the Chippendales sense of the word "oiled", one hopes.
by bit on the defensive side - Fri 11th Jan 2002, 12:22am
Ahem. One hour's break to TRY and watch some quality TV in the JCR when one has spent one's entire day either working or rowing is totally acceptable. I didn't even do that in the end and was forced to return to the books by 9.30.


Anyway, you WERE watching TV (you TV hogging person) and you weren't at Life so what's your excuse? I hope you weren't pretending to work.

by Should be working, but can't be bothered - Thu 10th Jan 2002, 11:28pm
Bored by work said: ...Those of us who have to stay in and work ...
You didn't seem to be doing that much work :)
by Bored by work - Thu 10th Jan 2002, 10:43pm
Okay. So, 17 FaT men go to Life led by the inimitable Mr Walker, presumably many were quite well oiled. Where, may I ask, is the gossip? Honestly, I know that you're all upset that the girls didn't come with you but surely there was some carnage? Those of us who have to stay in and work need something to keep us going you know. If there really isn't any gossip then I suggest you all redeem yourselves sharpish and make some up.
by dw229 - Sat 5th Jan 2002, 5:31pm
Will someone explain to me how on Earth, when I did a search for all the photo files on my hard drive, these pictures of Simon Blackburn (and his Mum?) came up???

Quite disturbing
by Simon - Fri 4th Jan 2002, 8:28am
Good to see the word most commonly used to link to the website in the last month (see the "Monthly statistics" page) is rowing related.
by Simon - Thu 13th Dec 2001, 8:48am
A film crew arrived in Burrell's yesterday (don't know what they're filming, but it looks amateur-ish).
Find out what they're filming! And try and get yourself a part as an extra!!!

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