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9th Feb '02Robinson Headby mcp
Congratulations must go to the women's 2nd VIII who missed penants by a mere 4 seconds yesterday - beating the men's crew and finishing just 8 seconds behind the 1st VIII... an impressive performance.
I'll add the results to our site tomorrow, but the official results are here. (1 reply...)
16th Feb '02Pembroke Regattaby mcp
Having watched most of the day's races, I have uploaded details of our crews' performances in today's Pembroke Regatta. Head to "Results" to see them.
Note that at present all the reports and opinions are my own and are not officially endorsed; if you wish to make any additions or changes simply use the feedback page!

Whilst it hasn't been the most spectacularly successful day, watching the races from the towpath is brilliant fun - well worth the trip if you are ever able to.
30th Jan '02Cambridge Winter Leagueby mcp
As promised, the details of our performance in the Cambridge Winter League have been added. The crew of last term's novices had a good result - finishing not much more than a minute behind the 1st boat and beating all six Novice category entries.
As usual, head to "Results" to see them.
29th Jan '02Head 2 Headby mcp
I have updated the site with some details of the weekend's racing. To see them simply choose "Results" on the main menu.

Whilst it would be foolish to draw too many conclusions this early in term, in terrible conditions the women's 1st VIII put in a brilliant time and hinted there may be plenty to look forward to in the weeks to come. The men's squad crews performed acceptably considering the weather and equipment difficulties.
More details of the Cambridge Winter League will follow when I can get through to their website!
6th Dec '01UEA Challengeby jwe
On Wednesday (December 5), the novice men went to Norwich to compete with the novice crews of the University of East Anglia, and of Churchill College, at UEA's invitation. They raced over a 1.5km course. They beat both UEA crews; the timing result for Churchill's row was a bit questionable, but Churchill seem to have won overall.
30th Nov '01Senior Fairbairnsby mcp
More details will follow, but its been a good day for Trinity, with the 1st men's VIII coming in as 3rd college VIII (equal with Maggie), the 1st men's IV coming 2nd, the 1st women's IV coming 4th, and the old boys crews performing phenomenally finishing only 2s behind Emmanuel and Downing (beating our 1st VIII by 8s) and as highest placed 2nd VIII respectively.
(The winners of the wine, and a few more details, will be seen to later.)
30th Nov '01Novice Fairbairnsby rjn
The 1st novice women came 5th in the novice fairbairns yesterday, keeping up the good novice women's results in the club for the last 3 years. The 1st novice women, abandoning the war paint, and unfortunatly a crew member down (note to future lower boats captains: ask all novices if they have any compulsary trips to the Tate Art Gallery on the day of novice Fairbairns before picking crews) raced a good solid race yesterday. Stealing the stroke of the 2nd novice VIII (who'd already raced the course once), and putting her on bowside, the 1st VIII were ready to go. Tom had the 'great' idea of going for a quick paddle before the race, pushing off 5 minutes before we were suppossed to be marshalling the marshals went crazy. After a good few minutes of '1st + 3rd what are you doing?' (classic quote of the day: Marshal to a Queens novice boat: 'Queens, what are you doing?', Queens: 'we don't know') and '1st + 3rd you'll be disquallified if you don't spin and go back NOW' (Tom: 'don't worry, keep rowing'), they came back to to the boathouse and marshalled. Going off behind LMBC they had a good start and were looking comfortable across the course. There were no major disasters in the boat. The 7 strong bankparty however had a bit of a problem with a truck blocking the whole road - meaning that the 1st VIII got a few strokes of rowing without a crazed shouting from the bank distracting them. The girls rowed a focussed and powerful race. Despite a number of them almost throwing up on the finish line were still in good spirits at and managed to sing all the way back to the boat house. They pissed off Downing the most, changing the lyrics of 'we'd rather be at Oxford than St Johns', to 'we'd rather be at Oxford than at Downing'. Loving the controversy this caused they sang other 'adapted' versions at Robinson and Jesus (after telling them that Jesus would add 10 secs to our time if they didn't stop singing they sang 'we'd rather be at Jesus than at Oxford') but manged to get back to the boat house alive.
They (and the club) should be proud of what they acheived in less than ideal circumstances yesterday. I certainly am.
24th Nov '01Clare Novice Regattaby mcp
What a day! Both women's crews won their way to their semi-finals, and the men's 2nd boat performed v. well too. Disaster for the men's 1st boat in the 1st round, but clearly great potential to do extremely well next week.

I have added some descriptions based on what I saw today to the Clare Novices Results page, and hope to add a few pictures soon - hopefully by Monday night. If anyone has anything to add or alter, please email me.
23rd Nov '01Clare Novice Regattaby mcp
The 2nd women's novice boat won their way through two rounds of the clare novices today. In their first race they dispatch Jesus C easily - even gaining 1/2 length's lead after 2 or 3 strokes.
Unfortunately, errors by the start marshalls meant we crashed in to the tow path side bank off the start against Caius in the next race. The ensuing panic resulted in a number of further encounters with the river bank and gave our opponents a lead of about half the reach (a conservative estimate).
However, some brilliant rowing and numerous disasters in the opposing boat meant that by the time both crews got going together Caius were just one length up!
The girls then had the excitement of a nail-biting side by side race through the railway bridge and to the finish... to a final verdict of a win by ~ 1/4 of a length!!!
17th Nov '01Novice Men Win!by jpd
The Men's Novices stormed the Winter Head today, (almost) sweeping the (novice) board.

The 1st Men's Novice VIII came 2nd in M Stu Beg 8+ (losing to Westminster School), in a time of 10:34 (faster than last year's 1st VIII!).

The 2nd Men's Novice VIII came 9th in M Stu Beg 8+, the second fastest college 2nd VIII (losing by 3 seconds to LMBC II). They crashed at Grassy (not Peter Brandt stylee), and were 9 seconds quicker than LMBC II over the second half of the course. They clocked a time of 11:23 (they lost an estimated 18 seconds in the crash, which would have put them in front of LMBC I!).

The 3rd Men's Novice VIII came equal 15th (with a Kings College London boat), the fastest (and only) 3rd VIII, beating Magdalene II and Jesus II in a time of 12:13.

The 4th Men's Novice VIII came 17th, in a superb time of 12:23 (only 10s slower than the 3rd VIII).

The 1st Women's Novice VIII came 5th of the Cambridge colleges (behind LMBC, Pembroke, Christ's and Magdalene) in 12:35.

The 2nd Women's Novice VIII came 9th in their category, in a time of 13:58.

The 1st Men's VIII won ARA Novice 8+, in a time of 8:59 (their second race), and came 4th in Student Senior 8+, behind Kings College London, Emma/LMBC composite and Jesus, in a storming time of 8:42.

The 2nd Men's VIII came 7th in Student Novice 8+, in 9:32.

A big thanks from the MLBCs to all coaches, subs, bank parties etc. who have enabled these fantastic results.

Full results linked from here. (4 replies...)

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