First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

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Google maps Simon, Tue 3rd Jul, 3:21pm
Look carefully at the airports that are on the site of Cambridge airport (2 comments...)
Cracknell is a big wuss Rich, Wed 20th Jun, 11:29am
James shows that while he might have made it across the Atlantic, he can't fight for toffee and hits like a girl. The main event is about 4 minutes in.

I reckon that Fogle fella pulled him across anyway... (5 comments...)
FaT women cause carnage martin, Tue 19th Jun, 8:33pm
I love women's rowing
Water sports martin, Mon 18th Jun, 4:42pm
Andy shows Tom how it should be done
Outdoor guider guide to rowing Dubya, Fri 15th Jun, 8:46pm
Hmm, plagiarism, perhaps?

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