First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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row2K Sarah, Thu 28th Oct, 7:21am
Another HOCR photo, but they won't let you copy this one! (3 comments...)
A work of art it's OK to be puzzled by Mike, Mon 18th Oct, 2:31pm
Turner Prize winning sculptor Keith Tyson has come up with a work of art/puzzle consisting of 13 cubes, each of which has a message encoded on the faces; The Times is publishing all the relevant images so you don't have to visit Regent's Park to see it. If you can successfully decode the message before anyone else, you can win the sculpture itself. Personally, I've got nowhere with any of it, but I'd be interested to see what people can come up with.
The rest of the cubes are being linked from here. (9 comments...)
Settlers of Catan Simon, Sun 3rd Oct, 8:36pm
A game Barnabus road knows too much about...
Coming soon to a crew t-shirt near you? gf, Fri 1st Oct, 1:52pm
DHTML Lemmings! RTT, Wed 29th Sep, 11:04am
I'm sorry. I really am. But I thought if I was doing no work today then noone else should either.

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