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Lose? by Simon - Thu 25th May 2006, 8:28pm
I'm sure people reading this are playing The Game, and if so - sorry, but you lose. (16 replies...)
Seat cushions by Lwt jmg - Wed 24th May 2006, 2:46pm
Does anyone know where I can get a good seat cushion to use during ergs? I used to have an awesome gel-based cushion which I used sculling and made life much more comfortable, but I left it ATBH when many years ago and never saw it again.

I'm as light as I've been for years right now, and I'm finding ergs an increasing struggle due to the pain in my @rse after 10mins sitting on the seat. Would be very grateful for any help on this one... (2 replies...)
Robbie Williams fan club by Martin P - Wed 24th May 2006, 1:13pm
Does anyone know anyone who is a member of the Robbie Williams Fan Club? This is a serious request. Apparently there is an annual fee to join. Members can buy priority tickets to concerts and a friend (honest) is wanting tickets for a concert in Sydney (which go on sale on the 6th June)......

I appreciate this looks really odd, but genuine offers of assistance would be appreciated! Anyone? (1 replies...)
Set Phasers to Buft by Simon - Thu 18th May 2006, 9:25pm
Just stumbled upon the Captains' meeting minutes - was starting to think that nothing has changed in 5 years when I saw the bit about the Mays being sponsored. And then I saw Paragraph 9... blimey. Managed to change a signifcant rule in bumps (i.e. we're not talking about the sandwich boat's white flag here) unanimously.
Just wondered what people thought. (26 replies...)
This term's results by Martin P - Mon 15th May 2006, 10:06pm
Does anyone know of (and can spot) any results from this term still missing? I've done a bit of a check through, added a few missing ones I noticed from the small boats regatta and tidied up a few loose ends. It's really great so many (almost all) results are getting put into this thing, but please try and get it done even when the races don't go as hoped.

Also added the usual college archives (sorry these are so late) for the Head of the Cam and the Head 2 Head.

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