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LOST TRAINERS by Dan Newton - Tue 13th Mar 2007, 10:48pm
This post is a last resort before email spam as I have asked most people who I remember seeing on the night of the boat club dinner...

I woke up Sunday morning having lost various things, including my memory, but having gained a pair of TRAINERS in a JOHN LEWIS bag. Nobody has yet been to claim them from my room and I can't remember to whom they belonged. If you know someone who is looking for some trainers then I have them. If you know someone who is looking to buy some second hand trainers then put a £10 cheque in my p.hole and I'll post them to you.
End of an era!! by Martin P - Mon 12th Mar 2007, 11:06am
I'm sure many people out there will be interested and pleased to hear that Dubya's PhD thesis is at the binders as of this morning and is being submitted today!! Congrats John. It feels a momentus day - for me especially given that you started rowing the same term I did, it's truly the end of an era!
Also seems a good opportunity to link to The spoof manifesto - author unknown.
Thank you by Simon - Thu 1st Mar 2007, 12:57pm
One thing which I don't think gets said enough on this website is thank you to the webmaster. Currently Bryn, originally Martin, and with others along the way, they have built a website which remains the envy of other sports clubs both in Cambridge and beyond. Although the site looks the same, it's clear that the improvements both big (BumpIT) and small (changing code to generate Torpids rules bumps charts) are ongoing and also a lot of work. The fact that I can put in all these links as well just makes it more fun.

Next week is busy and stressful for everyone, but thanks to their work this site has become a brilliant reference point for live information and an archive of what's gone before.

Thanks guys! (5 replies...)
A Few Good Umpires by Michael Parker in the Mays 2002 Bumps Programme - Thu 1st Mar 2007, 8:57am
TOM CRUISE (Coach): Did you order the rerow?
JACK NICHOLSON (Senior Umpire): You want answers?
TOM CRUISE: I think I'm entitled.
JACK NICHOLSON: You want answers?!
TOM CRUISE: I want the truth!
JACK NICHOLSON: You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has bumps races through the gut. And those bumps have to be umpired by men with bikes. Who's going to do it? You? The Cam Conservators? LMBC? I have greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for your cox and you curse Grassy. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that your bump, while tragic, occurred because we were trying to clear the river. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, clears the river. You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at Boat Club dinners, you want me on that bike. You need me on that bike! We use words like overbump, canvas, First Post, one-minute gun... we use these words as the backbone to a life spent umpiring something. You use 'em as a punch-line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very 'racing' I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it. I'd prefer you just said thank-you then went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a bib and work as an umpire. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!!
TOM CRUISE: Did you order the rerow??
JACK NICHOLSON: You're damn right I did! (1 replies...)
Ooh! What a mean looking rower! by Martin Y - Sun 4th Feb 2007, 1:24pm (1 replies...)
Fifth time lucky by BJ - Sat 3rd Feb 2007, 9:20am
Those of you outside college might be interested to know that Tom Coker has been elected TCSU President at the fifth attempt. I look forward to a full colour boat club pull-out in next year's Freshers' Handbook.
FaTBCFC vs BPBCFC football match by FaTBCFC 1st XI Captain 2007 - Fri 19th Jan 2007, 4:19pm
I am delighted to announce that the first annual FaTBCFC vs BPBCFC football match will kick off at 2pm on Saturday 17 March, at the Cranmer Road pitch (near Selwyn).

If you would like to play, then please get in touch with me (bjg32 at if you are a current member of First and Third, or with Neil Talbott (neiltalbott4 at if you are a member of Black Prince. All levels of experience and skill are encouraged and, in the unlikely event that we have more than eleven players, we shall play rolling subs and everyone will get at least half a game.

We are also looking for a referee (names have been mentioned...) and maybe even linesmen ('assistant referees') if anyone's keen. Please get in touch with me if you are willing to help out!

After the match we expect to celebrate St Patrick's Day in an Irish-themed pub, or maybe just Wetherspoons, with a Justice-style post-match analysis. All are welcome, even if you haven't taken part in the match! (5 replies...)
JG, SK in Grazia this week by celebrity gossip - Wed 15th Nov 2006, 1:28pm
Off topic (feel free to blast the post web person), there is a human interest story featuring the an Eng graduating class smiling from the Neville's court steps this week. (2 replies...)
Garter by Martin P - Sun 29th Oct 2006, 9:16am
Is someone able to tell me who held the Garter last year please? (2 replies...)
Out-of-date email addresses by Bryn - Mon 4th Sep 2006, 1:38pm
The following email addresses are out-of-date and have been removed from If you have left the university but wish to remain on the list under a different email address, please contact

(3 replies...)

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