First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

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The starting cannons from JPD, Sat 3rd Mar, 6:55am
Jon Davies has created a video of the starting cannons being fired - like you've never seen them before. Awesome. (2 comments...)
Google search Bryn, Fri 16th Feb, 10:31pm
Type 'french military victories' and click 'I'm feeling lucky'. (This courtesy of Sam Lings.) (1 comment...)
Something to keep BPBC off the streets? Simon, Thu 1st Feb, 11:54pm
Might clash with the Mays though...
National quiz championships Simon, Sun 31st Dec, 9:11am
Given BPBC and F&T's pub quiz skills, someone in the club might do well in this...
Quick change RTT, Mon 11th Dec, 10:36pm
Proof that women don't actually need hours to get ready for a night out. (1 comment...)
99 things to do in cambridge... insomniac, Mon 11th Dec, 1:08am
The wonders of youtube...
Newsmap Simon, Wed 29th Nov, 6:56pm
A different style of news aggregator
Familiar name commenting on a BBC story Simon, Sun 19th Nov, 11:18pm
Nautical jousting Emma Leadbetter, Sun 19th Nov, 4:09pm
Three pictures demonstrating why french people and rowing should never mix.
doublejeu Neil, Tue 14th Nov, 4:38am
a game (1 comment...)

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