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Not really a link, more of a plug... Superstar DJ (ahem...), Sat 19th Jan, 6:45pm
...Cambridge University Radio has just started going out live on 1350 medium wave. For those of you unlucky to be outside our broadcast area, there's always the classic RealAudio way of listening via the website. Enjoy :) (4 comments...)
Wrote. Yesterday's News, Today.
http://www.wrote.orgfrom Mike, Tue 15th Jan, 10:26pm
Amused me a lot. Now can anyone out there tell me what "Oterque quarterque beati quis onte ora patrum, Trojae sub moenibus altis" means when translated into English? (7 comments...)
STI@home RTT, Sun 13th Jan, 2:46pm
Remember the SETI@home rush we had a while ago? Well, this is the next step. Rather appropriate for rowers, I feel....
Slime Volleyball gf, Thu 10th Jan, 5:57pm
Infuriating but fun. (5 comments...)
How long have you got? ccsi, Wed 9th Jan, 2:05pm
Find out when you'll fall off your perch.

I will apparently kick the bucket on May 17 2058, aged 81. Most likely of cancer or heart disease. (although a 5% homicide chance!) (11 comments...)
Bushwhacked! dw229, Wed 9th Jan, 10:45am
Quite old now, but a classic realaudio file, courtesy of Chris Morris.
The Crocodile Hunter
http://www.crocodilehunter.comfrom Simon, Wed 2nd Jan, 11:25am
Strewth! Little blighter... you see, if I just poke this dangerous snake with a stick, he gets angry...
Every Rule You'll Ever Need
http://www.everyrule.comfrom Simon, Mon 31st Dec, 11:17am
A useful little site for settling arguments - nb the 'Shotgun' rules and the massive list of drinking game rules.

I've asked them to add the bumps. (4 comments...)
So You've Been Dumped
http://www.soyouvebeendumped.comfrom Simon, Mon 31st Dec, 11:05am
Does exactly what it says in the title.
Dictionary News Simon, Fri 21st Dec, 3:07pm
Good to see that the races are in the Dictionary. Tragically, no sign of the Mays.

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