First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Remote coaching Simon, Tue 28th Feb, 12:44pm
Currently used for battle, I see this having coaching/captaincy uses... captains can monitor who's out on the lash, and coaches can stay at the boathouse and see if people are quiching.
Fun with Google Simon, Mon 27th Feb, 5:07pm
Go to Google UK. Type in "Downing Boat Club". Click "I'm Feeling Lucky". (18 comments...)
Face Recognition (!) TallJenna, Mon 20th Feb, 9:01am
Hours of fun to be had for the vain/celebrity obsessed/curious amongst you...just stick in a photo of you or a mate, and hey presto, you get told which celeb you most look like! Genius....
Extreme Rowing Martin Y, Sun 19th Feb, 4:51pm
just like real rowing, apart from the sharks and the constant backing it down
Oddest Japanese fighting game RTT, Tue 7th Feb, 8:17am
OK we all know the Japanese have an unhealthy obsession with young girls. We also know that they produce some incredibly strange computer games. I guess it is therefore only natural that they'd make a beat-em-up where young girls fight each other, but one where you also have to take pictures of your opponents' panties? (If you don't believe me, watch the video).

P.S. I did not stumble across this page because I searched for "panty shot"
Gizoogle Holla!, Thu 22nd Dec, 4:34pm
Every site is better this way.... (1 comment...)
House Lights Santa Claus, Sun 4th Dec, 8:46am
Possible boathouse decorations for the Christmas Head? (1 comment...)
Amusing Crush Calculator M Parker, Fri 2nd Dec, 7:57am
Requires sound for full effect. And a sense of humour...
News item on beer goggles Simon, Fri 25th Nov, 12:31pm
one for the bop?
Comedy Bow Man jpd, Sun 13th Nov, 8:20am
How did he get in there?!?

(CUBC I racing at the Fours' Head) (1 comment...)

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