First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

Message board > Web Links 118 to 122 of 374
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Gizoogle Holla!, Thu 22nd Dec, 4:34pm
Every site is better this way.... (1 comment...)
House Lights Santa Claus, Sun 4th Dec, 8:46am
Possible boathouse decorations for the Christmas Head? (1 comment...)
Amusing Crush Calculator M Parker, Fri 2nd Dec, 7:57am
Requires sound for full effect. And a sense of humour...
News item on beer goggles Simon, Fri 25th Nov, 12:31pm
one for the bop?
Comedy Bow Man jpd, Sun 13th Nov, 8:20am
How did he get in there?!?

(CUBC I racing at the Fours' Head) (1 comment...)

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