First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Mystic Meg Martin, Thu 15th Sep, 3:26pm
Google Maps Pedometer Brian, Thu 25th Aug, 4:00pm
Switch to Hybrid view and double-click the map to calculate distance for a running/ cycling/ rowing route...

Site doesn't seem to "jump to" cambridge correctly using the GeoCode name, so the full URL above should zoom to Cambridge.
Old rowing photos Erica, Sat 9th Jul, 2:44pm
Can we identify the places in the photos? There's one which looks like a view of the Plough and crews going round Ditton (rowing to the start) but is "the finish line" Top Finish or somewhere else?

A further challenge would be to identify the flag, which doesn't look much like a cat and buns. Any takers? (1 comment...)
Do you know what's next?
http://www.prognosticate.comfrom Simon, Fri 1st Jul, 5:23pm
Good time-waster
LMBC did not invent the blazer Simon, Wed 29th Jun, 12:50pm
LMBC sometime claim to have invented the blazer. Looks like the Navy beat them to it. (1 comment...)

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