First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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DHTML Lemmings! RTT, Wed 29th Sep, 11:04am
I'm sorry. I really am. But I thought if I was doing no work today then noone else should either.
Reverse Chris, Sun 26th Sep, 4:15pm
Good game... (4 comments...)
Eton boy: know your enemy Esther, Fri 17th Sep, 12:38pm
I'm so embarassed.
CUCBC Website
http://www.cucbc.orgfrom Richard, Wed 15th Sep, 11:55am
Is anyone else having trouble accessing the CUCBC website??? (9 comments...)
No, surely this is a joke Simon, Tue 14th Sep, 3:14pm
Do you think we could persuade College to serve these at Boat Club dinner? (2 comments...)

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