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strokesider (female) for S4 eight by Sarah - Thu 5th Aug 2004, 12:12pm

I'm currently coaching and coxing the Mortlake intermediate squad. We are going to Stourport Regatta this weekend, but one of the girls is ill so won't be able to come.
the main problem is the eight - on saturday we have a straight final (non-qualifying) at 3.50pm
so is there ANYBODY out there that knows a female with less than 4 points who could help us out?
we could probably manage if you are a bowsider as we have someone who can swap.
Stourport is just south of Birmingham, we could probably pick up someone anywhere en route from SW london

please email me asap if you can help? (3 replies...)
2nd VIII clip by ipe - Wed 30th Jun 2004, 2:23pm
I've put up a video clip of the 2nd Men's VIII doing a practice start, taken by Chris Stone during the May bumps.

It's a 7.3mb mpg file, here (1 replies...)
LARD Top Tens for the year by Lard Man - Wed 16th Jun 2004, 11:30am
Here we have Top 10 users in the fields of LARD, Items and Lard per Item coefficient


    Name Lard Items Coeff
 1. djh  4680  231   20.3   LARDiest Man, Best Coefficient
 2. cm   3880  430    9.0
 3. jpd  3211  621    5.2   LARDiest Triallist, Most Items
 4. tdc  2996  364    8.2
 5. ccsi 2515  491    5.1
 6. mjb  2460  578    4.3
 7. rb   2402  243    9.9
 8. wat  2254  221   10.2
 9. amd  2212  306    7.2   LARDiest Woman
10. twr  2155  253    8.5   LARDiest Bufty
17. accw 1393  178    7.8   LARDiest Cox


    Name Lard Items Coeff
 1. jpd  3211  621    5.2   LARDiest Triallist, Most Items
 2. mjb  2460  578    4.3
 3. ccsi 2515  491    5.1
 4. agrs 1522  476    3.2
 5. cm   3880  430    9.0
 6. tdc  2996  364    8.2
 7. arr  1344  322    4.2
 8. amd  2212  306    7.2   LARDiest Woman
 9. egh  1638  285    5.7
10. js   1806  266    6.8
11. twr  2155  253    8.5   LARDiest Bufty
13. djh  4680  231   20.3   LARDiest Man, Best Coefficient
19. accw 1393  178    7.8   LARDiest Cox

Coefficient (min. 20 items)

    Name Lard Items Coeff
 1. djh  4680  231   20.3   LARDiest Man, Best Coefficient
 2. hsc  1318   82   16.1
 3. wgk  1689  107   15.8
 4. jwg   987   66   15.0
 5. jwe  1968  142   13.9
 6. riap  601   46   13.1
 7. elt   413   32   12.9
 8. ctmn  623   53   11.8
 9. jl   1064   92   11.6
10. df    371   35   10.6
27. twr  2155  235    8.5   LARDiest Bufty
34. accw 1393  178    7.8   LARDiest Cox
42. amd  2212  306    7.2   LARDiest Woman
53. jpd  3211  621    5.2   LARDiest Triallist
(6 replies...)
Camera Found by Martin - Mon 14th Jun 2004, 10:26am
My camera is found. Thank you to everyone who expressed pity or helped to track it down.

It was safely stowed away in a top secret location in Great Court. :-)
drunk lbc SAYS... by glass vandal - Sat 12th Jun 2004, 9:23pm
Mr Law is a legend.
Those of you who didnt see my pink shoes, study the photos. they are legendary.
What a good dinner. nuff sed.

thanks to hattie for dealing with mich-term-me

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