First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

Message board > Web Links 225 to 229 of 374
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Movie Alphabet jmg, Wed 3rd Mar, 1:59pm
If you think you know your films (18 comments...)
Dante's Inferno Test mjb, Sat 28th Feb, 7:45am
Find out to which level of Hell you belong. (3 comments...)
Rugby games Simon, Fri 27th Feb, 6:39pm
BBC to axe Boat Race coverage jmg, Mon 23rd Feb, 4:57pm
The BBC is going to stop televising the boat race after this year. Clearly this is going to mean a lot less sponsorship money, and probably a resulting drop in standard. Is this going to be good / bad for Cambridge rowing? Discuss :) (3 comments...)
With the scenes restored Anything to do with being short, Mon 23rd Feb, 2:44pm
Keep watching.

P.S. Try also /24/ for a slightly concerning thing on a similar theme, and /29/ to find out where the Lions are.... (2 comments...)

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