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The Brick Testament mjb, Sun 23rd Nov, 6:37pm
The Bible, converted to Lego. (1 comment...)
The Love Calculator RTT, Fri 21st Nov, 10:43am
Clearly a useful tool (was looking for Google Calculator but found this by mistake and it's far more amusing). (15 comments...)
We do stuff Simon, Mon 10th Nov, 5:57pm
As we're in the middle of the milkround... (3 comments...)
The End Is Nigh!! Dubya, Sat 8th Nov, 5:01pm
Well, it speaks for itself really. (1 comment...)
caption competition Mike, Fri 7th Nov, 5:14pm
A slightly odd looking picture, given recent non-allegations. But is that a Trinity College tie he's wearing?
Snapple Factoids gf206, Fri 31st Oct, 4:28pm
A few disclaimers.....

* rawd2 sent me this link - I didn't find it myself.
* Of the 38 wrong answers I gave, 36 were after a 5-pint liquid lunch, so I can kid myself than I'm not such a dolt after all.
* Many of the answers rely on making very American-centric assumptions; a few rely on pedantically precise interpretation of the wording; quite a lot rely on pretty loose interpretation of the wording.
* Every answer could be looked up and there's no time-out (that I found - I did leave it over lunch, after all), so you could just look stuff up and get 100% but that would be pretty sad.
* Nonetheless, it's good fun. (16 comments...)
CNN mjb, Fri 24th Oct, 3:42pm
A report from the "Health" section on CNN ...
What the....? Simon, Tue 7th Oct, 1:39pm
This should just be a map of SW London but has a mysterious "x" and an arrow seemingly drawn on it... It doesn't seem to appear on the Streetmap version of the same area. Buried treasure? (6 comments...)
Insane Aquarium
http://www.popcap.comfrom jmg, Thu 14th Aug, 5:11pm
oops - this should work though
Insane Aquarium
www.popcap.comfrom jmg, Thu 14th Aug, 5:09pm
There are some cool games on this site, but far and away the best is Insaniquariam. Feed the fish, shoot the aliens - what more could you need?

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