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General discussion about anything even only vaguely club or rowing related

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Best Computer Games of all time by Chris - Tue 28th May 2002, 4:23pm
Seeing the excitement being caused by various computer games being posted has reminded me of a thought I was having the other day as to the best computer games of all time. I invite everyone to submit their favourite 5 computer games (in order) of all time. (19 replies...)
Elections by Anna - Wed 15th May 2002, 1:40pm
Come on people. We need more candidates standing for the posts on the committee. I can understand that you're all intimidated by the fantastic job this year's committee have done. I know it'll be hard to live up to the standards we have set with our wit, charm, grace, organisational brilliance and general greatness but I think there are people out there who could possibly take over the mantle and even (sharp intake of breath) do as well as we have. I know it's exam term and no-one wants to get into a serious long term relationship now but the committee is a loving partner, it's there for you when you're down, it revels in you successes and when you get carried away and mess up, it helps you get over this and move on to better things.

The more cynical among you can even put it on your CV to make you look good (though I think using partners like that is disgraceful).

Go on, you know you want to. Everyone needs someone to love.

For more info contact me (Anna) on am407. (3 replies...)
The 3rd VIII need nicknames........ by Cox wannabe, and Chief T-Shirt Buyer - Tue 5th Mar 2002, 10:33am
Fellow boaties, the 3rd VIII require some amusing nicknames for their forthcoming T-shirts. If you would like to add any and all of your suggestions here, they will be considered in due course for suitability. (6 replies...)
Lents m1 video by Martin - Mon 4th Mar 2002, 6:52pm
Ok, so I'm bored.

The CUCBC message boards have links to videos of Saturday's racing - and in particular m1 around Ditton.
Did an estimate of the ratings of the various crews coming around the corner - spot the highest ;-)
Caius    36.5
LMBC     34
Emma     35
1 & 3    37.5
Christs  34.5
Downing  35
Jesus    34
Tit Hall 33.5
Robinson 34
Catz     33.5
(2 replies...)
Kit by Tomos - Sun 3rd Mar 2002, 5:55pm
Does anyone have a 1st & 3rd splash top that they don't wear any more (eg. because they have a Black Prince one or something), they they'd be willing to sell? I'm not too concerned about getting a pristine new one, just something to keep the mud off if I do any more umpiring.

I know this is a cheeky request, but it was extremely successful in getting me a zephyr top last term, and at least I'm not abusing the email list this time... (11 replies...)

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