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General discussion about anything even only vaguely club or rowing related

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Kit by Tomos - Mon 4th Mar 2002, 3:30pm
Does anyone have a 1st & 3rd splash top that they don't wear any more (eg. because they have a Black Prince one or something), they they'd be willing to sell? I'm not too concerned about getting a pristine new one, just something to keep the mud off if I do any more umpiring.

I know this is a cheeky request, but it was extremely successful in getting me a zephyr top last term, and at least I'm not abusing the email list this time... (11 replies...)
Quotes page needs trimming by Dubya - Fri 22nd Feb 2002, 12:53pm
The quotes board is for "classic" quotes, but it has a lot of rubbish on it at the moment. I think we should have a second, moderated, quotes page, which contains only the most classic quotes, ie ones which have more than passing significance. e.g., "pick it up for the last kilometre", or "bench-press to victory", or "Stroke five, full square, ready go", or "I am so smooth" (3 replies...)
Skimmed Milk by Simon - Tue 12th Feb 2002, 10:44am
Skimmed milk is just water with white colouring. Does anyone actually like it?
And if not, why do members of the club keep buying it when visitng SW15? (2 replies...)
The Justice by the webmaster - Wed 6th Feb 2002, 6:33pm
Mr Glass, Mr Talbott and I have almost finished the minutes from December's Justice meeting; publication is imminent.

However, I've been vaguely rooting around for various other bits of Justice info to publish at the same time; e.g. I have got emails sent during its creation and minutes from the 1st meeting etc. I even found the proposed logo.

Am I right in thinking there have been 3 meetings? If so, were there ever any minutes or a record of the 2nd one, in December 2000? If anyone finds such things loitering in their inbox, I would like to include them. Although I was absent, I gather that Fisher, G. and Ingram, G. were the Law Lords.... (4 replies...)
Locker Allocation by Kernigit - Fri 1st Feb 2002, 11:39am
John has sent an email out suggesting a policy for locker allocation in which he asks for comments.
My opinion on the matter is that lockers should be given to those people who spend most time at the boat club not on some random lottery. After all the people who spend most time at the boat house will need to keep more stuff at the boat house (e.g. kit, towels, water bottles, maxim, training logs....).
The easiest way that I can see to do this is to look at the speed / ability of oarspeople, although another argument would be to measure improvement.
Another point that should be made is that if people who are heavy users of the boat house are to be deprived of lockers it might be an idea to be more tolerant to kit / other belongings which is left in the changing rooms - i.e. they can't be thrown away at the first possible opportunity!

What does everyone else think? (3 replies...)

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