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22nd Apr '09Small Boats Regattaby ECL
Congratulations to all winners and competitors in this year's CUCBC Small Boats Regatta. First and Third fielded a number of strong crews from both the women and men's clubs.

Miles Galloway, Tom Coker and Peter Ford are all to be congratulated, after winning the Bushe-Fox Sculls, Fairbairn Junior Sculls, and Lowe Mixed Doubles respectively. The women's pair(Overington-Robson) also put in a fantastic show to make it the finals, after the Fairbairns and Magdalene competitions were combined. Many of the races were close and the number and standard of entries was high.

Thanks also to Peter Brandt for coming along to support the club on the bank, and for presenting the trophies.
19th Feb '09BumpITby bjg
Our bumps prediction game is now into its fourth year. See here for details of how to play. There are two versions of the game: 4-day, for predicting the complete men's or women's bumps charts, and Daily, for predicting each of the five days of the Lent Bumps.

I'm not planning to award any prizes this year, partly because I never get round to doing it until it's so late that any enthusiasm the winners had has entirely disappeared, and partly because it generally seems to be the same few people winning more and more BumpIT clothing. If Mercury (King's), Rich (Sidney Sussex), Phil (1st & 3rd) and Simon (Christ's) wrote the predictions at the front of the bumps programme then there'd be no point running bumps. But if you feel strongly that there should be prizes then post below and I'll go begging for some money.

If you are a member of First and Third then a user account will already exist for you. Any problems then get in touch with Strawson at webmaster at firstandthird dot org. (1 reply...)
17th Feb '09Lents dinner 2009by CRNF
The final deadline to get tickets for the Lents dinner is 8pm this Thursday (19th Feb). Most of the places have now gone so please book soon or you may be disappointed. To reserve a place, just email me at stating any special requirements.

A reminder of the menu:

Sherry reception
* * *
Orkney Smoked Salmon with Onion Rings and Lemon
* * *
Roast Sirloin of Beef, Yorkshire Pudding & Horseradish Sauce
Roast Potatoes
Selection of Vegetables
* * *
Trinity College Lemon Tart with Vanilla Cream
* * *
Coffee and Mints

A vegetarian alternative is also available and there is a discount for non-drinkers.

Tickets cost £30 and are charged to your college bill. The dinner will begin with drinks at 7.30pm for an 8pm start.

Connoisseurs will tell you the Lents dinner is often the best of the year, so don't miss out!

17th Feb '09Lents Bop in the Union!!by KSS
Dear all,

it is out great pleasure to invite you all to this term's end Bop after the Lents Dinner on February 28th. It will be held in Union with Jesus College Boat Club and Lady Margaret Boat Club.

We have booked the first floor of the Union (for those who know the Bar, Extension and the Blue Room). Drinks will be served at the bar (we are still negotiating a discount on some cocktails/shots/drinks). The usual mix of party and cheesy music will be played and there is no entrance fee for the night.
The Union will be open for us from cca 9pm till 1am but hopefully we might manage to negotiate that till 2am.

I will send out an e-mail with more details closer to the date especially about rules of conduct ie. what not to do in the Union. I hope you are all excited about this turn of events spicing up the usual routine in the WPR.

Your Kit and Social Secretary,
Sonya Milanova
4th May '08AGM and electionsby bjg
The following notice is from the secretary. The only candidate in the KSS by-election is Sonya Milanova. Please visit the elections page for further details.

1. AGM

An Annual General Meeting of the club will be held at 7.30 p.m on Sunday 11 May, in the Old Combination Room. The Meeting is open to all members of the club. The officers of the club will give short reports about their activities, and we will discuss and vote on any motions that have been submitted. Any member of the club may submit a motion for the AGM. To do this, please send the text of the motion, along with information on who is proposing and seconding it, to me no less than four days in advance. Attendance at the AGM is especially recommended for those who are considering standing for election to the committee.

2. Special Election - KSS

Hannah Jackson has resigned from her position as KSS, which means this position is now vacant. A special election for the post will be held at the AGM. Candidates interested in applying should submit a manifesto to me by this Sunday 4 May. If you would like more information about the role of KSS, please contact me or Harriet Booker. The primary duty of the new KSS will be to organise this term's bop, so this should be perfectly compatible with exams.

3. General Elections

General elections for next year's committee will take place at 7.30 p.m. on Sunday 18 May, in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre. All candidates will be asked to hold a short speech and answer questions from the floor. Voting will be by secret ballot. If you are interested in running for any position on next year's committee, feel free to contact the current incumbent (a list can be found here). For more information about the duties of the different committee members, please consult the club's constitution (available here).

In order to put yourself forward as a candidate for election, you must submit a manifesto to me no less than a week before the elections. These manifestos must be proposed and seconded by two other members of the club. For examples of past years' manifestos, see here.

All full members of the club who have rowed in at least two of the past three terms (including this one) may vote in the elections. Members who want to vote but cannot attend the elections in person may nominate another member to vote for them. Please consult the constitution for details on how to do this.

Please note that candidates for the Overall Captaincy must also run for the position of either Men's Captain or Women's Captain. Also note that it is possible to run for the position of Safety Officer in conjunction with any other committee position.

Immediately after the elections, I will hold a college bill surgery in the Winstanley. If you have questions about the boat club charges on your college bill, or if you want to see a breakdown of the costs you have incurred, please talk to me then.

Any questions, get in touch. (5 replies...)
21st Feb '08BumpIT!by bjg
BumpIT is back - click here to play!

This is our bumps predictions game, now coming into its third year. The rules are explained on the main page, with details of the scoring system in the Leaderboard section. There are two versions of the game: 4-day, for predicting the complete men's or women's bumps charts, and Daily, for predicting each of the five days of the Lent Bumps.

Prizes may be awarded to the Lents 2008 BumpIT Champions, but unfortunately I've forgotten to order them or to find some money to buy them until now. Entry is of course free.

If you are not already logged in, then you can log in to play using your normal website username and password. If you're not sure what I mean by this, then please get in touch at

Good luck and get guessing! (2 replies...)
24th Jan '08Water Safety Officerby bjg
Danny's manifesto for the proposed new committee position of Water Safety Officer can be found on the elections page. An Open Meeting to vote on this position will probably be followed by an election, all starting at midday on Saturday in Q6 Great Court.
15th Jan '08Kit Order Now onlineby KSS
Kit order is now online. Please place all orders by 11pm Saturday 19th January.
6th Oct '07Kit order now onlineby KSS
Kit order is now online. Please place your orders by 11pm saturday 13th October.
10th Jun '07BumpIT!by bjg
BumpIT is back - click here to play!

This is our bumps predictions game, now coming up to the end of its second year. The rules (unchanged since the Lents) are explained on the main page, with details of the scoring system in the Leaderboard section. There are two versions of the game: 4-day, for predicting the complete men's or women's bumps charts, and Daily, for predicting each of the four days of the May Bumps.

Prizes will be awarded to the Mays 2007 BumpIT Champions: hoodies for the 4-day competitions and T-shirts for the Daily ones, so if you're running short on clothes then get that entry in! Entry is of course free. Following a trial for the Lents, there will be a return of the 'BumpIT spanner', awarded for the most accurate predictions of the M6 and W5 divisions.

If you are not already logged in, then you can log in to play using your normal website username and password. If you're not sure what I mean by this, then please get in touch at webmaster at

Good luck and get guessing!

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