First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Windy Day on Hill jmg, Mon 27th Oct, 2:29pm
Slow news day elsewhere. Check out the quote half way down the page (1 comment...)
Bored at Work Jon, Sat 11th Oct, 1:06pm
Thought this might be appropriate.
How many London busses... Simon, Fri 22nd Aug, 10:04am
BPBC has previously discussed the use of objects such as the Titanic for comparisons of volume. Here's the BBC admitting that they have some favourite items for odd comparisons...
Large Hadron Rap dw229, Tue 12th Aug, 5:50pm
CERN's latest discovery.
Water on Mars! dw229, Thu 31st Jul, 10:49pm
NASA has just announced the discovery of water on Mars.

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