The Club's Results

Cambridge Winter Head, Mich Term 2023

1st men's VIII (Student First VIIIs)

Coxed by: Isabella Fiske Harrison

Time: 9:22
In the beginning, Worcester (Ox) randomly started in front of us, having moved from div 4, where they were meant to start behind us in our second race. This made many people very angry, and has been widely regarded as a bad move. What do you do when a crew new to the Cam refuses to concede the racing line at Grassy? In response to some calls, they eventually moved out to the outside once we'd made it a fair bit along the Reach.

We didn't go in expecting to have to row in such bad water for so long. That's our bad. We should have been ready for these circumstances (i.e. bumps in a head race), and we were not. Personally, I would call that the worst bit of rowing in a race I've done since Winter Head two years ago, when I was a novice and still had the breath to sing "Let It Go" during the race, as well as some synchronised grunting in the last 500m. My outside arm cramped hard after the railway bridge, and if that's not the best sign ever that you've been rowing like a muppet all race, I don't know what is.

Sometimes things don't go your way, and you have to adapt, improvise and overcome. We did the improvising part.

Next time, we do it better.

At least we practised overtakes for Fairbairns?
(Thomas Frith)