The Club's Results

Lent Bumps 2011

2nd women's VIII

Rowed over
Not a whole lot more the crew could do. A bump ahead before the motorway bridge left us chasing an unlikely overbump. Plenty more to hit tomorrow. (Not Thomas) (Thomas)
Massive kudos to Nicole for keeping so calm that no-one else in the boat had any idea of the carnage that unfolded in front.

I thought we did a solid job of it. Nonetheless, the experience of having to row over after having front loaded to explosion point is one we don't really want to repeat. Bring on Thursday! (Angela)
I appear to do a good line in accidentally submitting race reports under alibis. My apologies, however this gives me an opportunity to elaborate:

The race started, with a large degree of nervousness in the boat, understandably, however a reasonable start, and a decent rhythm was set up which helped considerably. The two crews ahead bumped pretty rapidly, leaving W2 chasing a perhaps optimistic overbump, however they set about the task of pushing Cauis II back with some gusto. While we never threatened Pembroke II, we can be satisfied with the margin we put on Cauis II.

Additionally, my intense stalking of rowing related news sites has led to this gem from the Cambridge Tab:

"Some serious luck for First and Third II, who looked like they were about to get bumped there, but Caius II caught a crab."

Can anybody shed some light? Cauis II may have crabbed (I have no idea) but I'm near as damn certain they never gained? (Swords)
Bumped Anglia Ruskin
Woohoo - well done girls! (Charlotte C)
Well done!! Onwards and upwards :-) (Alison)
Rowed over
Technical row over because of a clusterbadger under the motorway bridge. Bummed out. (Rebecca)
Sub-optimal. (Catherine)
An understandably premature halt to the race, given Pembroke's decision to mount Lucy Cav just past the motorway bridge, but highly frustrating for us. With an Eddies crew gunning for blades behind us, we're going to have to empty the tanks tomorrow. (Angela)
Rowed over
Intense race. Eddies, obviously keen for blades, thought they'd get an easy bump and got well within a canvas before Grassy, but burnt out and despite two crabs for us, we stayed calm, held them off and rowed over with a good few lengths between us by the finish. Fantastic race for all involved :) RA RA FIRST AND THIRD! (Rebecca)
Well done girls!! It sounds like you had an epic race and I'm gutted to have missed it. An excellent result for the week. Looking forward to seeing more of the same in Mays :) (Liz)

1. Disappearing out of ...
2. Off down Plough Reach
3. Exiting Grassy