The Club's Results

Robinson Head, Lent Term 2010

2nd women's VIII (2nd division)

Coxed by: Richard Sworder

11th women's VIII, fastest 2nd VIII
Time: 11:40
We set out in the race with the stated aim of learning to push exceptionally hard. As such we rowed pretty badly, however we pushed quite hard and won. This heartens me greatly, as we've been in this crew for three outings now, so hopefully technical changes will come thick and fast, and adding a bit more finesse to our new commitment to pushing very hard all the time will move some boat pretty quickly. With three odd weeks to go until bumps I believe that the changes we make allied with a greater commitment to really making every stroke count will make us a force to be reckoned with come day 1. (Swords)
A good result, and a good omen for the next few weeks.
More to do to win pembroke regatta and blades though against some tougher crews. (Thomas)