The Club's Results

May Bumps 2001

8th men's VIII

Coxed by: Mike Shea

Rowed over
We got off to a good start... pretty much everyone ahead of us quickly bumped, leaving us 2km of rowing... Bummer since we are a super-gents boat. The only interesting thing to happen in the next eight minutes was Emma 6 failing to catch us while only six of us rowed due to "technical difficulties". (E. Parcell)
Bumped Emmanuel VI
A much better start on previous days saw us close on Emma VI off the start; once the crew they were chasing bumped out, Emma started to fade and we closed them down well, bumping on Grassy. (Neil)
Bumped 1st and 3rd VII
Firstly, thanks to Neil for finding us an appropriate bowside sub for today. He turned not to be such a crap rower after all :)
We got off to an amazing start, the best so far, leaving Emma 6 miles behind. Our plan (or shall I say, Neil and Guy's plan) was to hold off Emma 6 for as long as possible and give a chance to the Trinity 7th crew in front of us, who were chasing Cats 5.
(Un)fortunately, this didn't quite work - our high-on-Redbull crew caught up with Trinity 7 within one minute. Due to technical issues with the coxbox, we failed to hold the boat up when the bump occured (before the motorway bridge!)...resulting in almost killing the Trinity 7 stroke and seriously damaging our own boat...d'oh!!
Great day for Trinity!! errr... (K. Suruliz)

1. Derailment around Fi...
2. Bumping Emma
3. From the motorway br...