The Club's Results

Fairbairn Cup 2000

A 4300m timed head race on the Cam for VIIIs and IVs
Fri 21st January

At the bottom of this page there is a link to Cambridge weather. Club members, please go here to add (or correct) results, crews or race reports.

1st men's VIII, micklethwaite for carver, blackburn for glass, Senior VIIIs

3rd of 35 men's VIIIs
Time: 14:57
A fairly uncomfortable row with skewy balance. (Martin)

1. Returning home, by t...
2. Returning home, by t...
3. Returning home, by t...

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2nd men's VIII, Lower VIIIs

32nd of 35 men's VIIIs
Time: 17:56
John Were could row but noone else could. We did badly. Zut alors. (Flying)

1. Returning home, by t...
2. Returning home (side...
3. Racing approaching P...

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1st women's VIII, Senior VIIIs

10th of 21 women's VIIIs
Time: 18:25

1. Chris Harding, Check...

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3rd men's VIII, Lower VIIIs

35th of 35 men's VIIIs
Time: 19:43
This race sticks in my mind for the following reasons:
a) I was p*ssed off at being moved down from the 2nd VIII
b) It took ages
c) The enormous boat-stopper that John Rudge caught at the Motorway Bridge. I never thought it could take so long to get from there to the finish line... (Dan)

1. Racing under Chester...
2. Racing approaching T...
3. Still racing, by the...

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Cambridge weather: text

1. Crews returning home...
2. Racing - and making ...
3. Harding (without the...